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Blog directories - Development Economics. Does development assistance have a future? Mortality rates of infants and children (under five) have dropped by more than a third, but is that the best we can do after decades of aid assistance?

Does development assistance have a future?

Photo: sabianmaggy “What is aid for?” Asked Alex Scrivener from the World Development Movement. Bottom Up Thinking. “How do you find working with [name of BINGO withheld]?

Bottom Up Thinking

How could the relationship be improved?” These questions, and others in a similar vein, were asked of me and my colleagues last week by consultants hired by a major donor of a BINGO that supports us with some of said donor’s money. The donor wanted to see whether they were getting fair value for money from the relationship. Chris Blattman. Development Initiatives - Engage. Empower. Eliminate Poverty. Ideas for development blog. Shotgun Shack. Blood and Milk. From Poverty to Power by Duncan Green.