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INFOGRAPHIC: Here's How To REALLY Use LinkedIn. 7 Quick Ways to Turn Your LinkedIn Profile into a Social Media Marketing Workhorse. Blog Archive If You Wouldn’t Do It In Person, Don’t Do It on LinkedIn! « Thanks to Miss Manners, Emily Post and our grandmothers, we know to say please, treat others the way we’d like to be treated and write a note when we receive a gift.

But for some reason, the minute many people turn on a computer or mobile screen, their basic knowledge of etiquette flies out the window. Perhaps because they’re not face to face with others, they forget how to interact. If you’ve noticed this phenomenon, you won’t be surprised that some of the most frequent questions asked during our “LinkedIn for Job Seekers” webinars are queries about etiquette. While every situation and every individual is different, here are some guidelines to help you use LinkedIn in a polite, professional way: Say thank you early and often. I once received a LinkedIn message from a recent grad who asked me for some pretty specific career advice. Since her request was very polite and we had attended the same university, I answered her multiple questions and wished her good luck. Don’t pester. World's Largest Professional Network. Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a Resume | Resume Builder.

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