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Adaptiveness Diagnostic. This rapid assessment provides an instant indication of how adaptive your business is by testing its capability in two key areas: The effective and efficient delivery of a focused business model.

Adaptiveness Diagnostic

The ability to change, innovate, and adapt to the emerging business environment. This assessment gives an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of your business. FutureSME Transformation Process - Dr. Ardawan Lalui. FutureSME: Sustainable Solutions for European Manufacturing SME's. Igniting a movement amongst European SMEs towards creating a sustainable and globally competitive manufacturing community. Online Resource Pack FutureSME offer a host of online resources to help SMEs.

Igniting a movement amongst European SMEs towards creating a sustainable and globally competitive manufacturing community.

Use the wheel to navigate through our online resource pack. The ability to shape and embed a customer focused guiding vision, supported by a clear operating model and a profit formula, balancing opportunistic short-term actions with proactive long-term behaviour. High value manufacturing Competitive basis that's not reliant on low cost, high volume strategies. Moving from resource intensive SMEs to knowledge intensive SMEs through leading services and product design.