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Flexible Electronic Skin Allows Humans To “Sense” Magnetic Fields. Everyone learns in school that humans have five basic senses: touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell.

Flexible Electronic Skin Allows Humans To “Sense” Magnetic Fields

New CT Reveals Inner Structures of Body in Exquisite Detail. Computed tomography (CT) is an excellent noninvasive technique to investigate bones and soft tissue structures in a patient.

New CT Reveals Inner Structures of Body in Exquisite Detail

Unfortunately, sometimes imaging can be difficult, as any movement from the patient can result in images that are unclear and need to be redone. This is especially difficult when dealing with patients who are young children, mentally impaired, suffering from motor disease, or are in pain. To ensure these images are clear, these challenging patients may require sedation, which is not desirable. General Electronics sought to facilitate treatment of these patients and improve the imaging process in general with the development of the Revolution CT. Study Finds Gamers Are Better Learners. New System Lets Humans Control Mouse Genes With Their Thoughts. Scientists have been able to tinker with the genes of other organisms for some time now—that’s nothing new.

New System Lets Humans Control Mouse Genes With Their Thoughts

But controlling genes in another animal using only your thoughts? Sounds a rather insane idea that wouldn’t be out of place in a Sci-Fi movie, but it turns out it’s now possible, thanks to a newly-developed mind-controlled system. As described in the journal Nature Communications, the system works by using brain waves from human participants to activate a light inside a mouse’s brain, which then switches on a particular set of genes. This marks the first time that synthetic biology has been linked to the mind, and the authors believe this work could lead to the development of novel ways to treat medical conditions. Chronic Pot Smoking Associated With Reduced Gray Matter, But Increased Connections. Another study has found that marijuana use is associated with changes in the brain.

Chronic Pot Smoking Associated With Reduced Gray Matter, But Increased Connections

The study compared the brains of chronic users with non-users and discovered the former had less volume in a region that is involved in decision making and emotional processing. However, they also found that this region showed increased connections with other brain regions in users, suggesting that the brain could be re-wiring itself to make up for the shrinkage. Your Testicles Contain More Diverse Proteins Than Any Other Human Organ. Almost twenty five years ago, an ambitious international research project was initiated whose goal was to identify and map all of our genes.

Your Testicles Contain More Diverse Proteins Than Any Other Human Organ

It took thirteen years to complete the Human Genome Project (HGP), which eventually revealed that we have around 20,000 genes that contain instructions for the production of proteins, or protein coding genes. Proteins are essential components of all living things. They are some of the most structurally complex and functionally sophisticated molecules known to man, and they participate in virtually every process within cells.

Although all cells in the body have the same DNA sequences, they don’t all express, or produce, the same proteins. Heart cells, for example, won’t synthesize an identical set of proteins as brain cells because they have different functions. Énergie libre : un générateur d’électricité portable produisant de 5 à 15 kW fonctionnant à l’eau ! - Wikistrike. Une éjection de masse coronale se dirige vers la Terre. 12-Year-Old Receives First 3D Printed Vertebra Implant. After a soccer injury revealed a malignant tumor on the spinal cord of a 12-year-old boy from China, he required extensive surgery at Peking University Third Hospital (PUTH).

12-Year-Old Receives First 3D Printed Vertebra Implant

Doctors needed to remove second vertebra to prevent the cancer from spreading, and the bone required an implant afterward. The device used was created with a 3D printer, making the boy the first person ever to receive a vertebral implant crafted in this manner. While there are traditional, pre-fabricated devices that can be implanted into the vertebral column, one made with a 3D printer offers certain advantages. It was designed to precisely match the morphology of his existing bone, which created a much better fit within the second vertebra and between the first and third vertebrae.

Entre 60 et 90% du cerveau servirait juste à se comparer aux autres selon une étude - Wikistrike. Entre 60 et 90% du cerveau servirait juste à se comparer aux autres selon une étude.

Entre 60 et 90% du cerveau servirait juste à se comparer aux autres selon une étude - Wikistrike

27 explications toutes simples qui vont éblouir votre matière grise. Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé de quelle façon on fabriquait des chaînes ou encore comment le venin de serpent réagissait au contact du sang humain ?

27 explications toutes simples qui vont éblouir votre matière grise

Des scientifiques font la découverte d'une mystérieuse créature sous-marine. Les siphonophores font en fait partie du plancton, des organismes qui ne sont pas assez puissants pour lutter contre les courants et qui par conséquent se déplacent avec eux.

Des scientifiques font la découverte d'une mystérieuse créature sous-marine

Bien qu’il existe des animaux très connus parmi eux (comme la physalie ou encore Praya dubia), cescnidaires sont un groupe qui recèle encore de nombreux secrets, comme le prouve la découverte de cette créature violette totalement nouvelle. Voici l'arbre "magique" capable de produire 40 fruits - Wikistrike. Des scientifiques ont découvert que l’être humain pourrait vivre jusqu’à 500 ans. Des animaux bizarres qui existent vraiment ! Des animaux bizarres qui existent vraiment ! Partager Vous pensez avoir tout vu sur cette planète ?

Eh bien, détrompez-vous. Etude: L'odeur de pet serait bonne pour la santé - Wikistrike. Les pets luttent contre le cancer.

Etude: L'odeur de pet serait bonne pour la santé - Wikistrike

Marijuana Abuse Blunts the Brain’s Response to Dopamine. Abusing marijuana blunts the brain’s ability to respond to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that’s responsible for our feelings of pleasure, motivation, and reward. The effects of that "high" might actually lead to depression and anxiety, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week. Despite its prevalence, we know surprisingly little about the effects of marijuana abuse on the brain. Many abused substances stimulate brain dopamine signaling -- the mechanism underlying the rewarding effects of drugs, food, and sex. But while studies have shown that cocaine and alcohol, for example, increase dopamine release in the brain’s reward region, this relationship hasn’t been demonstrated consistently for marijuana. So, to investigate marijuana’s impact on the human brain, a team led by Nora Volkow from the U.S.

The Most Horrifying (And Awesome) Creepy-Crawlies In The World. Just in case you didn't already think that insects were terrifying/awesome enough, here is a delightful collection of bugs that we are lucky enough to live amongst, coupled with some ever so dramatic videos for your viewing pleasure. Botfly Botflies, or members of the Oestridae family, might sometimes look a little bit like a cute bumblebee, but I can guarantee you they’re far from cute.

I wouldn’t read this if you’re squeamish. The larvae of botflies parasitize various different mammals and of course there is a human one, Dermatobia hominis, which can be found throughout Central and South America. Lettuce See the Future: Japanese Farmer Builds High-Tech Indoor Veggie Factory. Humans have spent the last 10,000 years mastering agriculture. But a freak summer storm or bad drought can still mar many a well-planted harvest. Not anymore, says Japanese plant physiologist Shigeharu Shimamura, who has moved industrial-scale farming under the roof. Working in Miyagi Prefecture in eastern Japan, which was badly hit by powerful earthquake and tsunamis in 2011, Shimamura turned a former Sony Corporation semiconductor factory into the world’s largest indoor farm illuminated by LEDs. The special LED fixtures were developed by GE and emit light at wavelengths optimal for plant growth. The farm is nearly half the size of a football field (25,000 square feet).

The farm uses 17,500 LED lights spread over 18 cultivation racks reaching 15 levels high. Un gigantesque océan caché sous la Terre ? L'hypothèse se confirme. Il y a un peu plus de deux mois, nous vous avions parlé d’un mystérieux diamant découvert au Brésil en 2008. 3D Printed Cast Speeds Bone Recovery Using Ultrasound. A new prototype brings together 3D printing, room to breathe and ultrasound pulses to create a cast that is not only comfortable and stylish to wear but is expected to speed healing relative to existing options. However, despite success in vitro and promising results from clinical studies LIPUS has not been widely adopted, partly because the measured benefit has varied across trials, in some cases appearing too small to justify the effort. Experiment Shows Thoughts & Intentions Can Alter The Physical World.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know? Avaler une pilule pour apprendre l'anglais sera possible dans 30 ans ! - Wikistrike. Nous avons consommé beaucoup d'informations par les yeux. 3DTouch Works In 3 Dimensions & Could Replace The Computer Mouse.

On a retrouvé la mémoire de l'eau - Partie 3/3. On a retrouvé la mémoire de l'eau - Partie 1/3. You gone learn today. New Finger Device Reads Books To The Blind. Des scientifiques auraient trouvé l'interrupteur on/off de la conscience humaine - Wikistrike. Des scientifiques auraient trouvé l'interrupteur on/off de la conscience humaine.

Épigénétique. Épigénétique. Les 10 théories du complot sur la santé qui se sont finalement vérifiés - Wikistrike. Une particule d'oxygène injectable pour survivre sans respirer ? Cette découverte va révolutionner l’écologie : ce champignon digère totalement le plastique. Créer un ordi avec une feuille A4. La Lune de sang sera visible pour la 4ème fois en 500 ans - Wikistrike. Un homme créé un écosystème. Roberto Lanza : "La mort est une illusion" Un indien aurait 179 ans et serait donc né en 1835. Epigénétique : Nous sommes ce que nous mangeons. The Microscopic Structures of Dried Human Tears. En 1962, des chercheurs français découvraient le froid gratuit - Wikistrike.