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SQL Server - -Simple way to transpose rows into columns. In this post, we’ll discuss how to transform rows into columns in the SQL server.

SQL Server - -Simple way to transpose rows into columns

This is yet another common interview question. To get the best out of this post. I strongly recommend read Pivot Operator Concept ,in this post, we discuss the basics of the Pivot Operator. So if you are new to pivot operator, I strongly recommend reading that post first. Now here is the interview question. Let’s understand the concept using the below table ,TblDeparmentEmployee. If you notice, Marketing has got two rows, one for each of the employee’s within that department, and the same is the case for Research and Development and Accounting and Finance. And if you look at the results set on the right-hand side, these Employee rows are actually converted into columns, as you can see in the above image.

So let’s look how to transpose these rows into columns. CREATE TABLE [dbo]. So we want to select some columns from TblDeparmentEmployee table. Query explanation. How to create a multi-statement table valued function. In this session, we learn about creating and calling multi-statement table-valued functions.

How to create a multi-statement table valued function

And finally, we’ll also look at the differences between inline and multi-statement table-valued functions. Before continuing with the session, I strongly recommend reading these two articles. Scalar User-defined functions In sql server-Step by Step. In this post, we learn about user-defined functions and their types ,creating and calling a scalar user define function, places where we can use these.

Scalar User-defined functions In sql server-Step by Step

And finally, how to alter and drop a user-defined function?. How to create Inline table-valued functions in SQL server. In the post, we learn about creating and calling inline table-valued functions.

How to create Inline table-valued functions in SQL server

Where do we use inline table-valued functions? Now Before continuing with the session, I strongly recommend reading this post. Why we use stored procedure instead of query? In our previous two posts, We have explained the concept of the stored procedure, we have understood how to create stored procedures.

Why we use stored procedure instead of query?

If you haven’t read these previous posts, I would strongly assist you to do so before reading this post. In the article, we will discuss the below points Advantages and disadvantages of stored procedureDifference between inline Sql query and stored procedureDrawbacks, the reasons for not to using stored procedures. Replacing NULL and Empty string in Select statement. Welcome to Appsloveworld Technologies, In this session, we learn about the different ways that are available to replace Null values and SQL server.

Replacing NULL and Empty string in Select statement

Specifically will be looking at ISNULL() function, case statement, and COALESCE() function. Now I have a TblEmployeeManager which has got three columns, EmpId, name, and Manager_Id. Now if I ask you who is the manager of Jackson, you’ll look at the Manager_Id column. Manager_Id for Jackson’s 6 and you look up 6 within the EmpId column,6 is Gabriel. So Jackson’s manager is Gabriel. So along the same lines, if you look at Anthony, Manager_Id value is NULL, which means Anthony doesn’t have a manager. And if you remember in our SQL joins series we have written a left outer self join to retrieve employee names along with their manager names.Since Anthony doesn’t have a manager ID, his manager’s name is Null. Any employee, if he doesn’t have a manager, doesn’t display Null replace those null values with this no manager word. All right. Differences Between Derived Table & CTE,Views,Temp Table and Temp Variable.

Welcome to Appsloveworld Technologies in the Session, we learn about Derived tables and common table expressions will compare these with other constructs that are available in SQL server like views, table variables, local and global temporary tables.

Differences Between Derived Table & CTE,Views,Temp Table and Temp Variable

Let’s start with an example. I have a TblUniversity table which has got University_Id and University name columns, TblStudent table here, which has got Id, StudentName, gender and University_Id columns. Now, let’s say I want you to join these two tables and produce the output that you can see on the below image. I want the University name and the total number of the student within that University. But then your list should only include those universities, which has got two or more students. And obviously, to achieve this output, we have several ways, but then we will see how to do that using views.

And we are giving it an alias called TotalStudnent from TblStudent join with the University. After Update Trigger in Sql Server With Example. Welcome to Appsloveworld Technologies, In post, we learn about after update triggers specifically in last post this series we are talking about after insert, after delete triggers.

After Update Trigger in Sql Server With Example

Read More- After insert, after delete triggers with example As we know that ,the three types of triggers are available in SQL server DML, DDL, and logon triggers. DML triggers are fired automatically in response to the DML EVENTS and examples of DML EVENTS include insert update and delete statements. DML triggers can again be classified into two types after triggers and instead of triggers. Instead Of Triggers in Sql server With Example. Hello, welcome to Appsloveworld Technologies, In the session, we learn about instead of triggers specifically we’ll be talking about instead of insert trigger before continuing with the session, I strongly recommend the below post of triggers series.

Instead Of Triggers in Sql server With Example

In SQL over, There are three types of triggers DML, DDL, and logon triggers. Instead Of Update Trigger In Sql Server With Example. Welcome to Appsloveworld Technologies, In this session, we learn about instead of update triggers before continuing with the session, I strongly recommend below post this series.

Instead Of Update Trigger In Sql Server With Example

In the SQL server, there are three types of triggers DML, DDL, and Log-On. DML Triggers fired automatically in response to the DML Events examples of DML events include insert update and delete. DML Triggers can be further classified into two types after triggers and instead of triggers. After triggers are fired after the triggering action, whereas instead of triggers are fired instead of the triggering action. Instead Of Delete Trigger In Sql Server With Example. Welcome to Appsloveworld Technologies, In the session, we learn about instead of delete trigger before continuing with the post, I strongly recommend to read below the post of this series.

In the SQL server, there are three types of triggers DML, DDL, and Log On triggers. DML Triggers are fired in response to DML events. Examples of DML even include insert update and delete. DML Triggers can further be classified into two types after triggers and instead of triggers. After triggers are fired automatically after the triggering action, whereas instead of triggers are fired instead of the triggering action. Triggers in SQL server with real-time example. Hello, welcome to Appsloveworld Technologies, In this session, we learn about the different typesof triggers that are available in SQL Server and After insert and delete trigger in SQL server with real-time example. In the SQL server, there are three types of triggers DMLDDLLogon triggers. Wire Gauge Size Chart. Please select awg from drop-down list or can also enter gauge value and select wire from drop-down list and enter Resistivity and click the calculate button to obtain result. How To calculate Wire diameter (if gauge wire diameter dm in inches) dk(in) = 0.005 in × 92(36-k)/39 How To calculate Wire diameter (if gauge wire diameter dm in millimeters) dk(mm) = 0.005 mm × 92(36-k)/39.

Wh to mAh conversion calculator. Watts to kVA calculator. Watts to kVA calculator How to convert watts to kVA? Watts to kVA calculation formula S(kVA) = P(in Watts) / (1000 × PF) S=The apparent power S in kilovolt-amps (kVA) P=the real power P in watts (W) PF=the power factor PF So that you can define Kva are equal to power(P in watts) divided by 1000 times the PF. Watts to VA calculator. Use this Watts (W) to volt-amps (VA) calculator for calculating the Volt-amps.Please input power(P) in watts and PF and Click the Calculate button to obtain apparent power(S) in the result. Watts to volts calculator. Watts to kWh Calculator. Online Watts to kWh Calculator,Use watts(W) to kilowatt-hours (kWh) online converter for calculating the energy in kWh. please input the power(w),time duration(in hr) and click the Calculate button to obtain the result.

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