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Linux Commands In Structured Order with Detailed Reference | LinOxide. XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE) - Stylus Studio. Home > XML IDE - XML Editor Stylus Studio® X15 XML Enterprise Suite is an advanced XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE) consisting of hundreds of powerful XML tools in one all-inclusive suite, and high-performance Java & .NET components to design data integration applications. Stylus Studio adds powerful new features, again pushing the innovation envelope that helped establish Stylus Studio as the premier XML IDE.

Stylus Studio's best-in-class features for working with XML, XQuery, XML Pipeline, XSLT, XSL:FO, EDI, XML Schema/DTD, XPath, XML & Databases, XHTML, XML mapping, XML publishing, Web services set a new benchmark for XML productivity. Download a free evaluation copy today! Stylus Studio DataSheet Stylus Studio raises the bar for productivity in XML development tools.

Key Features Stylus Studio provides a comprehensive set of XML tools and features for working with XML, XQuery, Web services, XML publishing, and many other XML technologies. Key Benefits Our Customers.

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