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AERLIS - Associação Empresarial da Região de Lisboa. A AERLIS - Associação Empresarial da Região de Lisboa, é uma Associação sem fins lucrativos, de utilidade pública, criada em Fevereiro de 1992.

AERLIS - Associação Empresarial da Região de Lisboa

European Project Management - The Course Promoter. The European Project Management in service training course is organized by Pixel, an education and training institution based in Florence (Italy).

European Project Management - The Course Promoter

Pixel promotes internationalization and European Cooperation in the fields of Education, Training and Culture. Pixel was established in Florence (Italy) in 1999. Pixel has significant experience in the following areas: Direct submission as promoter or coordinator of European Projects.70 projects were successfully carried out to date.Some of the European programmes that funded the projects in which Pixel was/ is involved in are: Socrates ODL; Socrates Minerva, Socrates Grundtvig, Socrates Lingua, eLearning, Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning (Sub Programmes: Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Transversal Programme). Rede Prestige Azores. European. ISC Intelligence in Science. ISC is a Brussels-based communication agency specializing in science, technology and R&D research and policy.

ISC Intelligence in Science

ISC provides intelligence on science and innovation policy and programs and has over a decade of experience in innovation policy and science communication at European and international level. The development of science and innovation policy in Europe today takes place in a complex institutional setting. The web of actors that contribute to innovation policy ranges from EU and international level to national level to private entities and the media. With such a diverse structure of opportunity, it is vital for all of those in the science and technology community – from policymakers to researchers - to equip themselves with an effective communications strategy.

Empowering the Innovation Community. EAI. Thank you for your interest in joining the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) - Strategic Forum initiative.


Please fill in the form. Fields marked in bold and with an asterisk are mandatory. A confirmation will be sent to the contact person’s email address given in the form. The EAI Secretariat is processing all applications on a regular monthly basis. Please note that no membership fees are planned yet. Please note, membership of EAI Strategic Forum is not available to individuals but to representatives of organisations or companies. Institutional Membership benefits EAI Institutional Members have access to a wide range of benefits which facilitate building and strengthening partnerships with the key players involved in the EAI through virtual and physical participation via innovative tools, bridging the gap between research, business and European policy.

R&D Project Financing. Competences to innovate. European funding and grants consultants. Subcontracts and Consultants - University Research Services Administration. If you are searching for a particular document not listed on this page, Use the File Finder tool to search for the document by name.

Subcontracts and Consultants - University Research Services Administration

Consultants Consultants are entities (individuals or companies) receiving a portion of the funds from a grant as an expert advisor or goods/service provider paid by the hour or day for the work they do on the project. Consultants do not maintain rights to IP or authorship for published work from the sponsored project. While a consultant may contribute their expertise on a project, they cannot be named as a Co-PI or Co-Director, nor can they be considered as “key personnel.” Consultant fees may be paid only to experts not employed by Georgia State who provide a unique contribution to the project. The Georgia State PI must ensure that, when deemed necessary, all required Conflict of Interest disclosures from consultants have been submitted and training completed prior to the proposal deadline. What to include for consultants with the proposal.


Rede CPLP - Investigação e Desenvolvimento. O portal pretende ser um sítio de referência para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento no âmbito da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, veiculando informação relevante para a identificação dos actores em I&D da comunidade, a detecção de oportunidades e potenciação do estabelecimento de parcerias entre os membros.

Rede CPLP - Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Este projecto virtual de acesso à informação e ao conhecimento mútuo concretiza um dos objectivos patente na declaração final do Encontro “Investigação e Desenvolvimento na CPLP” organizado em parceria pelo IICT, CPLP e pelo Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia de Moçambique, a 1 de Dezembro de 2008, no qual o IICT se compromete a criar um fórum virtual sobre C&T para o desenvolvimento. Nota: Agradecíamos que nos enviasse comentários sobre a sua experiência neste portal para o seguinte endereço: European research funding: it’s like Robin Hood in reverse. If you ask officers of the European commission in research and innovation whether any of the funding attached to Horizon 2020 (the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever) will improve research career conditions, they are likely to politely cough, roll their eyes and answer: yes.

European research funding: it’s like Robin Hood in reverse

They’d point, for example, to the European Research Council (ERC) starting grants and the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowships which both fall under the £63bn programme. But are such initiatives really having an impact? On the one hand, the ERC starting grants are extremely competitive. They are supposed to fund only the cream of excellent European researchers. Portugal - Adaptation to climate change - EEA Grants. Fulbright Portugal.

Water JPI

ETP : Production and processes : NanoMedicine. Production and processes Nanotechnologies for Medical Applications – NanoMedicine An ageing population, expectations for a better quality of life and changing lifestyles call for improved, more efficient and affordable health care.

ETP : Production and processes : NanoMedicine

A better understanding of the functioning of the human body at the molecular and nanometre scale as well as the ability to intervene at pre-symptomatic, acute or chronic stages of an illness are of utmost importance to meet these expectations. Key documents White Paper “Contribution of Nanomedicine to Horizon 2020” Homepage. European Innovation Partnership on Water - Environment. EU R&D budget. Today, July 9th the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Maire Geoghegan-Quinn announced the next and final set of calls for proposals valued at € 8.1 billion for the EU's 7th RTD Framework Programme with a total budget of €55 billion being allocated for innovative research between 2007-2013. The Commission has proposed that the successor programme for 2014-2020, known as Horizon 2020 receive €80 billion as part of the multi-annual budget currently under negotiation, whilst Parliament's temporary committee on future budgetary needs had suggested the doubling of the research budget for the next period, to €100bn.

Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament said: Association for International Cancer Research. European Research Area - ERA.

Science library

Europe 2020 - Europe 2020 in a nutshell. Europe 2020 is the European Union’s ten-year growth and jobs strategy that was launched in 2010.

Europe 2020 - Europe 2020 in a nutshell

It is about more than just overcoming the crisis from which our economies are now gradually recovering. It is also about addressing the shortcomings of our growth model and creating the conditions for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Five headline targets have been set for the EU to achieve by the end of 2020. These cover employment; research and development; climate/energy; education; social inclusion and poverty reduction. The objectives of the strategy are also supported by seven ‘flagship initiatives’ providing a framework through which the EU and national authorities mutually reinforce their efforts in areas supporting the Europe 2020 priorities such as innovation, the digital economy, employment, youth, industrial policy, poverty, and resource efficiency.

Communication "Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy. European Research Area - ERA. The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Adi - Agência de Inovação.


Research Centers. CRIT Research™ agisce nei confronti delle imprese per favorire l’emersione dei loro bisogni tecnologici e tradurli in una strategia tecnologica aziendale che preveda investimenti in R&D.

Research Centers

CRIT Research™ non fa quindi attività di ricerca in senso stretto, ma facilita il dialogo tra i Centri di Ricerca e le industrie, coinvolgendo le Università ed i Centri di ricerca nei progetti attivi con le proprie imprese clienti. Inoltre, CRIT Research™ è chiamato, nei confronti delle imprese Socie e di tutto il proprio network di aziende, a ricoprire anche un ruolo di stimolo, evidenziando opportunità tecnologiche e di ricerca che possano portare a un vantaggio competitivo.