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List Types of Electron Microscopes. Untitled. Amazing Electron Microscope Images. Detailed List of Equipment - Scanning Electron Microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy examines structure by bombarding the specimen with a scanning beam of electrons and then collecting slow moving secondary electrons that the specimen generates. These are collected, amplified, and displayed on a cathode ray tube (a slower version of the picture tube of a television set). The electron beam and the cathode ray tube scan synchronously so that an image of the surface of the specimen is formed. Specimen preparation includes drying the sample and making it conductive to electricity, if it is not already.

Photographs are taken at a very slow rate of scan in order to capture greater resolution. SEM is typically used to examine the external structure of objects that are as varied as biological specimens, rocks, metals, ceramics and almost anything that can be observed in a dissecting light microscope. The SRNML has the following SEMs: Information is also available on: Return to the SRNML Home Page. CatsByType. Electron Microscopy FAQ. Microscopy Book List by Author. List of Electron Microscopy Laboratories and Units in the Uppsala region. ElectronMicroscopy.CSF Info Page. SPIDER: WWW Sites for Biological Electron Microscopy. Modern Microscopy. Welcome to MicFac. The Central Microscopy Facility.

ETH Zurich: Light Microscopy and Screening Center. UCSD Microscopy - Home. Duke University Light Microscopy Core Facility (LMCF) - Imaging shared resource - Confocals, fluorescence microscopes, image analysis for all of Duke. Homepage of Focus On Microscopy Conference Series. Microscopy ListServer Instructions. Microscopes, Microscopy Software and Imaging Solutions from Carl Zeiss International. Dennis Kunkel Microscopy - Electron Microscopy Science Stock Photography. Olympus Microscopy Resource Center. Nikon MicroscopyU. Mic-UK [site A]: Microscopy-UK home page.