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7 Insane Website Updates That Will Grow Your Sales. Editor's note: "The First 90 Days" is a series about how to make 2016 a year of breakout growth for your business. Let us know how you're making the first 90 days count by joining the conversation on social media with the hashtag #Inc90Days.​ Technology can be a powerful driver of business growth. There are seemingly endless areas where you can invest your time and effort. But today I'd like to talk about a technology that, when fully leveraged, can make your company super successful.

Something that is critical to the process of attracting, convincing, and converting your customers or clients. Your website. Your public face to the world. Are you focusing on the wrong things? Are you focusing on insignificant cosmetic changes (e.g., layout, background colors, or images)? You could be spending that same time and effort going after huge, game-changing things that would increase sales by 3-5x (I'm talking 3,000 to 5,000 percent)!

This year, invest in your website. 1. Ugh. Be open-minded. 2. 3. 7 Tips for Pitching Your Company in Under a Minute. When you're a founder, it's your job to perfect your business' "elevator pitch" -- that is, explaining who you are, what you do, and what your goals are in 60 seconds or less. Whether you're speaking with an investor or a potential customer, it's absolutely critical for you to succinctly tell your company story. Any longer than a minute, and you could risk losing a future business opportunity. But breaking down your hard work into a clear and compelling pitch isn't easy when you're familiar with the details. Seven entrepreneurs from FounderSociety share their top tips for perfecting the delivery of the elevator pitch, as well as what to include to be able to sufficiently tell your story. 1.

Don't share everything your company does when telling your story to someone who knows nothing about it. 2. Put the top three to five bullet points about your business on a notecard and carry it around to networking events. 3. Distill the concept of your business down to its core, and work from there. Napoleon Hill: What's keeping you from getting rich. About Zappos. The year was 1999, and our founder Nick Swinmurn was walking around a mall in San Francisco looking for a pair of shoes. One store had the right style, but not the right color.

Another store had the right color, but not the right size. Nick spent the next hour in the mall, walking from store to store, and finally went home empty-handed and frustrated. At home, Nick tried looking for his shoes online and was again unsuccessful. Although there were a lot of "mom and pop" stores selling shoes online, what was interesting to Nick was that there was no major online retailer that specialized in shoes.

So, since it was 1999 and anything seemed possible at the time, Nick decided to quit his day job and start an online shoe retailer... and was born! The original idea was to create a web site that offered the absolute best selection in shoes in terms of brands, styles, colors, sizes, and widths. So here is the vision: Give Your Company Profile Some TLC. If you’ve got a website, you know that your company profile page (also known as your “about” page) is essential. This page answers the critical question nearly every new visitor and potential customer asks: “Who are you?” When someone is thinking about buying from or engaging with your company, chances are they want to know a little more about you.

The “about” section is an opportunity to highlight your history, personality, accolades and more. It’s a glimpse into your company beyond what’s on your product pages. So why is it most corporate “about” pages seem cobbled together at the last second? Or so filled with superlatives that your eyes glaze over? At the end of the day, people want to work with businesses they trust and are comfortable with. 1. According to Jeff Haden’s excellent Inc. article, “8 Ways to Improve Your ‘About Us’ Page,” padding your company’s description with high-falutin’ adjectives only tells readers that you know how to use a thesaurus. 2. 3. 4. 5. Free Company Profile Template [Ai] What is a company profile?What must I include in it? - Homework Help. Any information about a company to inform public about the company and create required image of the company through the information.

To create a feeling of the stable image of the company in the mind of the public , the establishment, location, development growth , product quality ,revenue turn over , profit and loss over sevral years since the inception may help. It can also serve as an advertisement or invitation for the interested public to invest in the company.It can also have the motive to impress the public about the standard of the product in comparison with that of the others to compete in the market. The profile need not cover everything , but only such of the things it desires to highlight. It can also take the adventage presentation of its profile through the media technolgy. They can prepare their own format o f their profile which may inform about the items as below in discriptive or quatitative terms.

Location: Establishment: Number of Employees: Number of products produced: