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The 99 Best Business Books - Recommended Reading List. “You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library.” Will Hunting (played by Matt Damon), Good Will Hunting MBA programs don’t have a monopoly on advanced business knowledge: you can teach yourself everything you need to know to succeed in life and at work. The Personal MBA features the very best business books available, based on over ten years and thousands of hours of research. So skip business school and the $150,000 loan: you can get a world-class business education own your own at very low cost by reading the best business books.

This page lists all Personal MBA recommended books and resources for easy printing, bookmarking, and reference. For more information about the Personal MBA and book selection criteria, read the manifesto. Books purchased through this website support The Personal MBA’s ongoing research. Read This First For Best Results... Buy the Book: Business Creation Value-Creation & Testing Marketing Sales Value-Delivery. PlusRiche. Mon projet fou : lire 52 des meilleurs livres de business en 52 semaines, et publier ici un résumé par semaine. Des livres pour changer de vie. Petit traité de manipulation à l'usage des honnête gens | MInd mapping.

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