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5 Typeface Challenges in Designing For Next-Gen Interfaces. Jason Pamental is the co-founder of h+w design and author of ‘Responsive Typography.’

5 Typeface Challenges in Designing For Next-Gen Interfaces

The explosion of new devices — phones, watches, health and fitness monitors and other wearable gadgets enabled by the Internet of Things — is yielding an increasingly interconnected set of user experiences. Even our cars have smarter, more integrated displays that tie into application and phone ecosystems. Until recently, many of these devices (if they existed at all) had rather basic interfaces – with even less sophistication when it came to typography.

This was due in part to the relatively small physical size of the devices and resulting limitations in hardware and memory. Cost has also been a driver. There’s not only a huge demand for these design changes, but a tremendous opportunity if we can overcome some key limitations that have hamstrung efforts thus far. Here are five typographic considerations designers should keep in mind when creating their next interface. 1. Why? 2. 3. 4. 5. Five simple steps to better typography - Part 5. – May 18th, 2005 – The final part in this series, I’m glad to say is a little more cut and dry than the last in the series. It’s more about historical typographic theory but with a simple, practical guide to ensuring a balanced use of typeface weights. Typeface weight, and the choice of weight, is perhaps one area of typography that to most designers is simply a matter of choice.

That choice is dictated by answering a design problem which is aesthetically, or content, motivated. What many designers do not realise is that there are rules which should govern the choice of weight - a typographic pecking order - which when followed, aids the designer’s typesetting and can produce stunning results. Solving the design problem Let’s start by addressing the root of the decision to set type in different weights - solving a design problem. An aesthetic problem. There may be other reasons as well, but I believe these are the main cause. First off a bit of history The practical bit A final word. The 20 best graphic design books of 2014 so far. Looking for something good to read?

The 20 best graphic design books of 2014 so far

Here's a quick overview of the top design books released so far this year, from typography to illustration to logo design and beyond. Each of them provides buckets of inspiration and education to supercharge your design skills and creativity in 2014.... 01. Make your own luck by Kate Moross More of a memoir than a step-by-step guide, in this book illustrator and art director Kate Moross provides some invaluable insight into how to survive the often bumpy world of design from self-promotion to collaborating with others to that all-contentious issue of when to work for free. 02.

Have you ever wanted to know more about the designer behind the typeface? In his book, Fowkes takes us behind some real-world projects to interview a number of different typographers about their unique processes. 03. Director of London's Design Museum, Deyan Sudjic's anthology provides an A-Z list of contemporary culture, from authenticity to zips! 04. 05. 06. A 20 Minute Intro to Typography Basics.

Learn the Basics: 25+ Sites And Resources To Learn Typography. 90 top-quality typography tutorials. The web is brimming with typography tutorials, but many are low quality and others are very out of date.

90 top-quality typography tutorials

So we’ve trawled the internet to uncover the diamonds in the rough, in the form of 50 top-quality typography tutorials, to bring your knowledge and skills up to speed. Get Creative Cloud Perhaps you’re looking for a good introduction to the fundamentals of typography? Or perhaps you want to develop and push your type abilities further? Either way, you’re sure to find just what you’re looking for on this list, which includes typography lessons in the form of traditional text-and-image tutorials, animations and video, and even games.

We’ll be adding to this list as time moves on, so make sure you bookmark this fantastic resource, and come back from time to time to see what’s new in the world of typography tutorials. We'll start by looking at tutorials to help you with mastering the fundamentals of typography – skip through to another page if you're after something more advanced. 01. 02.