Founded in 2007, Anudip Foundation is a professionally managed Section 8 not profit Indian Company, registered under Companies Act, 2013. As one of the partner organizations of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) under the Union Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Anudip single-mindedly concentrates on creating digital livelihoods at scale for youth from India’s disadvantaged communities.
Skills for the Future: Need to prepare 21st-century workforce. How digitizing industry will lead to job growth. <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> March 25, 2021 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment digital employment Digital industry hyper-digitalization skill development training sustain job growth The world is going through a recession thanks to the impact of the pandemic.
With economies shrinking and businesses tightening their belts for survival, many people have been rendered jobless. Most sectors of the economy starting from manufacturing, tourism, airlines, logistics, hospitality, trade and commerce, and others were forced to shut shop during the lockdown. Now, these sectors are slowly opening up and looking to pick up from where they had left a year back.
Closing the Skill Gap-Recruit or Reskill? The changing dynamics of a competitive global industry has created the need for a skilled workforce in certain technologies or domain.
A recent Mckinsey survey has found that most organizations face skill gaps at present or may develop them in the next five years. Does this ring a bell? Given the short lifespan of skills, organizations are facing a real challenge in getting the right candidates for various job roles. In fact, the competitive nature of the industry has meant organizations are wary of hiring new employees due to their high hiring costs. So, to ensure growth and competitiveness, organizations are looking at a workforce that can unlearn old skills and learn new ones at a faster pace.
The fast-changing nature of tasks Organizations are increasingly looking at employing multi-taskers who can adapt to the new job requirement and grow. As things stand today, companies are finding a balance between reskilling and recruiting to address the emerging skills gap. Conclusion. Take on National Education Policy, 2020. <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> March 3, 2021 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment skill development training skilled workforce The National Education Policy (NPE) was introduced in the year 2020 and seeks to replace the 34-year-old National Policy on Education framed in 1986.
The new policy came about arguably at the right time as a lot of things have changed and new challenges cropped up since 1986. It aims at creating quality institutions with global standing, bring in a culture of innovation, and produce a skilled workforce that can align with the requirement of today’s jobs. How can AI deliver better Online Security in 2021?
Even as the internet has connected the whole world and brought about an amazing range of conveniences for people, the challenges related to cyber-security have risen to dangerous levels in parallel.
It appears that hackers and cybercriminals are one step ahead of every new innovative software that comes into the market. If statistics are to be believed then cybercrime is arguably the single most challenge faced by individuals, organizations, and even governments the world over. According to the INTERPOL Secretary-General, more than half the online population out of around 4.5 billion are at risk of being a victim of cyber-crime.
And cyber-crime is expected to cost the world damages worth $6 trillion in 2021 and $10.5 trillion annually by 2025 (Source: Cyber-security Ventures.) What makes such statistics even more alarming is that about 61% of enterprises worldwide state that they cannot detect online security breaches without using AI (Source: Capgemini.) What are the eLearning trends of 2021? <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> February 3, 2021 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment digital skills for employment elearning eLearning software online classes online courses Skill Development Courses virtual training The rising adoption of smartphones and the availability of the internet in higher bandwidths have given eLearning a real boost.
The convenience eLearning offers in terms of pursuing learning at your own pace, viewing recorded lessons, or attending interactive lectures in real-time from the comfort of your home makes it highly sought after among students and corporate trainees alike.The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a spurt in people opting for digital eLearning courses as every educational institution came to a close. The eLearning market is expected to touch $336.98 billion by 2026, which may change due to the impact of the pandemic (Source: Syngene Research, 2019.) How the Pandemic has affected the Vulnerable Populations. COVID-19 has struck hard and has enveloped the whole world in its vice-like grip.
It has brought in its wake adverse consequences for people and societies such as the dislocation of people and the closing of avenues of economic activity. Further, it has brought terms like lockdown, social distancing, and quarantine into the mainstream conversation. In addition to being a public health emergency, the pandemic had its ripple effect spread all across the globe.
Why is Digital Marketing one of the hottest Career Options? <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> January 1, 2021 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment career courses career growth certificate courses Digital Marketing Digital Skills employability empowerment job aspirant Job Skills Life Transformation lifechanging courses Skil Indial Mission Skill Development students career Technology Skills youthled With the world increasingly moving into the digital space, enterprises are embracing digital transformation with a greater sense of purpose.
They do so to improve productivity, streamline their value-chain, enhance the quality of products or services, deliver better customer experiences, reduce the cost of operations, and increase profitability. How to Deal with the Post COVID World. The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have changed the way we live and interact.
With social distancing and conducting activities on the internet becoming the new normal, countries and societies are staring at a period of prolonged uncertainty. The pandemic has led to severe job losses, especially in areas of manufacturing and services where ‘work from home’ was simply not the option. As people stopped traveling, airlines, railways, shipping, and other forms of transportation, hotels, restaurants, theatres, and cinema halls had to willy-nilly down their shutters and face an extended period of non-activity. Is Blended Learning more effective than Conventional Learning? <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> November 26, 2020 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment blendedlearning digitalskills digitaltraining easytolearn elearning employability learningmanagementsystem lifetransformation makeadifference skilldevelopment skilltraining youthled Knowledge is the bedrock of civilization and education is the process of disseminating knowledge and to get learners ready to face the challenges of the day and future.
No nation can progress if its edifice of education is weak and crumbling. A large number of issues plaguing our society – economic disparity, unemployment, lack of opportunities, corruption, superstition, and conflicts, among others, can be laid at the door of lack of educational opportunities for everyone. How to Prevent the Scourge of Trafficking and Victim Shaming. Trafficking has become a menace and has snatched thousands of men, women, and children from their families.
It is one of the egregious forms of human rights violations, which strangely does not move the conscience of our civil society, law enforcement, academia, and media enough due to its layered and complex nature. Human trafficking is akin to trading human beings for sexual exploitation, forced marriage, and bonded labor, among others, and has its footprints spread across the globe. How CSR Initiatives Help the cause of Skill Development? <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> November 7, 2020 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment better life Better World Corporate Social Responsibility Program CSR Digital Skills Digital transformation DigitalIndia Employability Skills Join Hands Life Transformation Skill Development social help youthled The Corporate Social Responsibility management concept provides an avenue for the companies to assimilate social inequality and environmental protection concerns in their business dealings with their stakeholders.
This triple bottom line approach helps businesses to bring about a balance in their core business activities with social and environmental concernsto achieve sustainable and equitable development.What is CSR? CSR is a self-regulating business model that is a part of the Companies Act 2013. Why our courses are CUTTING EDGE? The Role of Ethical Hacking in Combating Cybercrime. Covid-19 Support Relief. Breaking the glass ceiling: examples of women in technology. Why IT and Digital Skills are Important for a Successful Career? Skill And Will, Both Are A Mandate. <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> May 22, 2019 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment CSR employability empowering NSDC courses offer job opportunities for freshers Skill Development Courses vocational and skill development training centre Vocational Training Gone are the days when academic qualifications alone would have been sufficient to fetch the youth their dream jobs.
Today, the scenario has changed drastically due to disruptive technologies which resulted in less of manual efforts. However, one should also consider various reports and studies that have shown the lack of apt skills among job seekers to be one of the reasons for the rise in unemployment in recent times. Given this scenario, skill development has become the key factor to secure a job. Employee Empowerment As A Tool To Excellence. <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> January 2, 2019 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment Blog by Pritha Banerjee, Pro Bono VolunteerEmployee empowerment refers to giving your employees an amount of autonomy and responsibility for decision-making regarding their specific organizational tasks.
Being a leader in this business requires helping employees carry out their tasks without constant micro-management from you. When employees are independent, your time is freed up to do other business tasks. Doing the job independently and being empowered may sound similar but are slightly different. When you empower employees, you allow them to make certain business decisions, instead of having employees who are able to work independently, but have to follow standard procedures while doing so. This can be a very powerful tool for the employee, the company and you.One of the reasons it is so powerful is because accountability improves.
Many More Women In Technology! An Inspiration! <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> March 20, 2020 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment anudip impact digital employment Digital technologies employability empowering women empowerment Skill Development socialimpact technology jobs WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY Women have excelled in every field they have got into; bringing with them attributes of leadership, efficiency, innovation, and dedication in abundant measure. If earlier, women were considered for jobs belonging to the humanities or arts (read soft streams,) today, the tables have been turned. Women are helping jobs in the technology sector with equanimity. Quora. AI - “The best friend of the future.” Cyclone Amphan and Human Resilience. What are the Lessons Learnt During Lockdown? What are the Lessons Learnt During Lockdown? In the last two months, few terminologies have become a part of our daily life.
These include lockdown, social distancing, quarantine, novel coronavirus, flattening the curve, PPE, herd immunity, and others. However, the suddenness with which the term ‘lockdown’ has affected our lives needs special mention. While the lockdown has impacted how we live and conduct our business in a huge way, it has also opened a lot of opportunities. The technological changes have made it possible to not only facilitate economic activity but also create digital livelihoods. #Work from Home a possibility: As novel coronavirus began to spread its tentacles, the Indian IT industry quickly shifted its working processes to keep the wheel running.
Work from home has several added benefits for both the employees as well as the employers. Solitude place is the organization of a genius. Disruptive technologies, world of ai and how anudip is a part of it by impacting lives? <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt=""> May 26, 2020 Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment 3D PRINTING Artificial Intelligence Autonomous Vehicles Innovation Machine Learning Robotics Softskills Technology As we are moving rapidly towards 22nd century, Disruptive technologies will shape our future.
Now what is that? Disruptive technology is an innovation that significantly alters the way that consumers, industries, or businesses operate. A disruptive technology sweeps away the systems or habits it replaces because it has attributes that are recognizably superior. Can Digital Livelihood Mitigate Unemployment. THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE COVID-19 CRISIS. REWARDS TO EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE BASED ON PERFORMANCE PLUS POTENTIAL. Best Paying Jobs and top 5 career options in 2020. In a world increasingly shaped by technological innovations, the job landscape cannot stay rooted in the past. How A Blended Learning Environment Helps To Improve Skills. Employee Wellness is the New Motivation. <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt="">February 17, 2020Posted By : anudip_2018 0 Comment Company-sponsored Exercise Create Flexible Work Hours Educational Seminars Employee Assistance Programs Improving Employee Health Lunch and Healthy Snacks Mental Health and Personal Growth skill development training Workplace WellnessIn the competitive business environment, enterprises need to be at their best when it comes to meeting the demands of the markets, delivering great customer experiences, and seeking profitability.
In a quality-driven ecosystem where there is little margin for error, enterprises should ensure brand visibility, the quality of their products/services, mitigate customer complaints, and be a step ahead of their competitors. To drive these, enterprises need motivated employees who would go out of their way to deliver the goods. ANUDIP IN 15th CISCO’S CSR REPORT. SocialConsciousness, AccessoriesforWomen, Education. What are the Top 10 careers in 2020? Anudip: We help transform lives. How A Course In Web Designing Can Help Your Career - NSDC courses Placement Assistance Web Designing Course IT Skills Social Recruitment.
The 7 Fastest-Growing Tech Jobs. HOW TO LEVERAGE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE INTERNET ECONOMY. Quora. Quora. How 100% placement assistance can empower the deprived youth? HOW ANUDIP HAS EMERGED AS A SOUND CSR IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER FOR LEADING BUSINESSES? How customized training can create a talented workforce? DO YOU THINK SKILLS SHOULD BE PART OF THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM? NOT JUST SUBJECTS? Charity Donation Websites - Anudip Foundation. Integrity, Honesty and Skills – together can create a champion workforce. What are the best courses for weak students after 12th? HOW TO BECOME A PART OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. HOW MODERN PROSTHETICS HAS TRANSFORMED THE LIVES OF AMPUTEES - Anudip. HOW ENGLISH COMMUNICATION CAN OPEN THE DOORS TO SUCCESS - Anudip. THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING A RIGHT MENTOR FOR YOUR CAREER - Anudip.
HOW SELF-CONFIDENCE CAN DRIVE SUCCESS. Amputations. Specially Abled Youth. Digital Inclusion of Young Aspirants. Vocational and Skill Development Training Center. Skill Development Training Centre. Digital/IT, English. Digital/IT, English. SKILL DEVELOPMENT: REALIZING INDIA'S DEMOGRAPHIC DIVIDEND - Anudip. HOW CAN CSR INITIATIVES FROM BUSINESSES TRANSFORM LIVES - Anudip. LIGHTING THE TORCH FOR OTHERS - Anudip. Anudip Is Growing : Vacancies - Anudip. Courses Offered - Anudip. What we do ? - Anudip.