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Antti Rantanen

Avenir Light 12PT. Avenir Light 12PT. Documentg. React + Backbone Router — React Tutorials. Last time we looked at how to use state to control the rendering and behaviour of components. Today we’ll take a look at how to use React with Backbone’s router. Backbone is great for organising your application, but React is much cooler than Backbone’s View system. We’re going to display components at different routes and even transition between the routes, using CSS transitions. You can find the accompanying source-code, for this tutorial, at: Please post any errors you find, or questions you have as comments on this article or as issues on GitHub.

Thanks to Ryan Sorensen for helping to improve this! Using jQuery One of the requirements for Backbone is jQuery. jQuery is a general purpose JavaScript library which specialises is DOM manipulation. Using jQuery is as simple as downloading the JavaScript files and including them in your web pages. Using Underscore Underscore is another of Backbone’s dependencies. Using Backbone.