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Photo : - Shared by frocaboy. Too Mainstream. In Woman’s Day Magazine: How To Get A Raise At Work? Clean Your Vagina. Yes, you read that title correctly, and no it’s not The Onion spoofing anyone: via the Meeting Boy Tumblr, I found Want a raise? Wash your vagina ( In a post today, Daily Kos’s dhonig points out that one of the nation’s top-read conservative women’s magazines Woman’s Day is running a large ad from Summer’s Eve that combines advertising and editorial, telling women “how to ask for a raise” with the first and top suggestion being that women should thoroughly clean their vaginas the morning they plan to assert their worth in the workplace and ask for higher wages. Yes: we now know the *real* reason women are paid less. Summer’s Eve is a company that primarily sells vaginal douches. This is so many all kinds of wrong, it’s difficult to know where to start.

But let’s look at Summer’s Eve’s core product. I don’t understand how a magazine “for women” such as Woman’s Day could allow this, all the way through approval and edits, and by printing it, are endorsing the message. _l6073s2olD1qceig0o1_500.jpg (Image JPEG, 482x482 pixels) _l9i6hqhQXv1qceig0o1_1280.jpg (Image JPEG, 620x877 pixels) - Redimensionnée (90.

You are unsubscribed. _lc8jysxmg91qbnd0po1_1280.jpg (Image JPEG, 565x361 pixels) 30,000 year old sex toy used to start fires, your mom. This website is not endorsed by Google! Big-Ass Message | by Bjernie's Fast Food. et mis en vente : un faux bon coup ? (mis à jou. Inside your search. The 4 Big Myths of Profile Pictures. Hello, old friends. I am back from dark months of data mining, here now to present my ores. To write this piece, we cataloged over 7,000 photographs on, analyzing three primary things: Facial Attitude. Is the person smiling? In looking closely at the astonishingly wide variety of ways our users have chosen to represent themselves, we discovered much of the collective wisdom about profile pictures was wrong. One of the first things we noticed when diving into our pool of photos is that men and women have very different approaches to the camera.

Women smile about 50% more than men do and make that flirty-face four times as often. Now, you’re always told to look happy and make eye contact in social situations, but at least for your online dating photo, that’s just not optimal advice. Notice that, however, that flirting away from the camera is the single worst attitude a woman can take. Men’s photos are most effective when they look away from the camera and don’t smile: Weird. Le Web, c’est folk LOL. Ode aux usagers des ordinateurs, Digital Folklore est un livre qui célèbre la culture amateur d’aujourd’hui et d’hier, invitant le lecteur à une véritable odyssée à travers l’histoire du World Wide Web, sondant la Toile jusque dans ses recoins les plus inavouables et les plus inattendus. Les instigateurs de cette Bible érudite, drôle et décalée, Olia Lialina et Dragan Espenschied, font partie d’une avant-garde artistique qui a exploré le médium dans les années 90, à l’époque héroïque du, bercée par les stridulations d’un modem 28,8 kbit/s, quand le moteur de recherche s’appelait Altavista, que les pages personnelles étaient hébergées sur Geocities et qu’on s’abonnait à des mailing-lists.

Une ère où «le Web était scintillant, riche, personnel, lent et en construction» . Les artistes enseignent tous deux à l’université de Stuttgart Merz Akademie, où Olia anime un cours dédié au folklore digital. Comment définiriez-vous cette notion de «folklore numérique» ? Photo Olia Lialina. The Most Inappropriate Kids' Clothing Ever Made (PHOTOS) Enbloodymarche.jpg (Image JPEG, 553x684 pixels) LOLCATroulette. _l3tc1hgi9p1qanb21o1_500.jpg (Image JPEG, 500x651 pixels) LOL.