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INFOGRAPHIC: Google Is Destroying Our Memory.


PLE. 40 useful things you can share on Twitter besides blog posts. I was never good at 'pass the parcel' when I was a kid. I blame it mainly on being over zealous. That and my unhealthy competitiveness - always had to win (which didn't always make me the best birthday party guest!) Twitter reminds me of pass the parcel a bit - RSS readers are ripped open first thing in the morning and then the shiniest blog posts get circulated and a good prize should I suppose. But shiny doesn't always equal useful. Making variety a pillar of your approach, coupled with the recognition that time is a finite resource, definitely means there is a place for short and sweet too (and how many blog posts can you really read in one day anyway?!?!?)

So, I had a bit of a think and compiled a list of things to consider sharing more goes... 40 useful things you can share on Twitter besides blog posts Flag up a hashtag you are following for the day and why (or list a few that you think are worth a look) Discovered a new app / tool that's useful? Adam. Gmail: 10 nouvelles fonctionnalités que vous ne connaissez peut-être pas | Descary. De nombreuses fonctionnalités sont régulièrement ajoutées sur Gmail. Certaines d’entre elles sont extrêmement utiles et vous permettent d’être plus productif.

Je vous suggère de découvrir ou de redécouvrir dix fonctionnalités qui ont été ajoutées au cours des derniers mois sur le service de Webmail de Google. Dans un premier temps, savez-vous qu’il est possible d’utiliser Gmail dans un cadre professionnel? Par exemple, Gmail vous permet d’utiliser votre adresse professionnelle, de recevoir tous vos mails sur GMail, de personnaliser le SMTP et d’envoyer automatiquement des réponses à vos clients.

Si cet aspect de Gmail vous intéresse, je vous suggère la lecture de mon billet «Comment transformer Gmail en système de messagerie professionnel». Maintenant, voyons les nouvelles fonctionnalités qui ont été ajoutées à Gmail: Ajustez le délai d’annulation d’envoi d’un mail Depuis l’an dernier, Gmail vous permet d’annuler l’envoi d’un message. Apophenia » Blog Archive » ChatRoulette, from my perspective. I’ve been following ChatRoulette for a while now but haven’t been comfortable talking about it publicly. For one, it’s a hugely controversial site, one that is prompting yet-another moral panic about youth engagement online. And I hate having the role of respondent to public uproar. (I know I know…) More importantly though, I find it difficult to respond to the fears because I find it endearing.

ChatRoulette reminds me a lot of the quirkiness of the Internet that I grew up with. Like when I was a teen trolling through chatrooms, ChatRoulette is filled with all sorts of weird people. And most users ignore most other users until they find someone they find interesting or compelling. What I like most about the site is the fact that there’s only so much you can hide. I love the way that it mixes things up. Anyhow, I was hemming and hawing about what to say about this and I’m still not sure what to say because, truthfully, I like the reminder of ye-olde-Internet culture. Post translated: Cobalt Box. Le sous-titrage pour tous sur YouTube - Actualités Techno - Inte. Cultured Code. Analytics | Official Website. Dialectique systémique du Web 2.0. Blog-It Express, le micro-blogging facile pour tous.


HTML5. Tools. Mindmaps. Ressources. Start. StatusNet | Open Source microblogging service. Top 10 Ways to Access Blocked Stuff on The Web - Proxy - Lifehac. Twitter. Digital storytelling. Mieux travailler ensemble. Collaborative working.