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Anthropology of Migration

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Anthropologists Studying Immigration in the United States. A comprehensive immigration reform bill has passed the U.S.

Anthropologists Studying Immigration in the United States

Senate. We’ve heard from political hacks masquerading as academics. We’ve heard from ideologues masquerading as law-makers. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Physical anthropologists would argue that the migration of human populations is as old as the emergence of hominids.

The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration

Anthropological archaeologists point to early migratory movements among prehistoric hunters and gatherers as well as among the people who built the ancient civilizations of the old and new worlds. Historical anthropologists who have worked with archival records have demonstrated that the movement of individuals in and out of local communities in Europe, Latin America, China, and Japan has been going on for centuries. Migration Studies - University of Oxford. In recent decades human mobility has developed new dynamics and poses new social, economic and political challenges.

Migration Studies - University of Oxford

The University of Oxford has played a leading role in the emerging field of migration research. The ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) is already a centre of gravity in Migration Studies within the UK. The establishment of COMPAS complemented the already-established Refugee Studies Centre (RSC), founded in 1982, and in 2006 the International Migration Institute (IMI) was established.

Between them, the three centres have over 25 full-time researchers and draw in many more across the University.