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Ros-model/ at master · ipa320/ros-model. Rqt_service_caller/ at master · ros-visualization/rqt_service_caller. Awesome Robotic Tooling. Just a bunch of powerful robotic resources and tools for professional robotic development with ROS in C++ and Python.

Awesome Robotic Tooling

Unix philosophy - about the concept of software tooling Coordination and Communication. Node unit testing - ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum. I agree with @jayess' comment - you're raising a list of good questions IMO, and you should split into multiple threads to get more meaningful response and visibility (as of today this thread has 0 answer).

node unit testing - ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum

Some ROS command line tools (e.g. rosmsg, rosnode, rossrv, rostopic) are used when debugging ROS nodes. Are they wrapped into rostest? Or is it common practice to use the equivalent functionality provided by the C++ API or Python API to setup automated ROS node unit tests? I think what has been commonly done is the latter; rospy library already covers a lot of tools that are provided often separately in commadnline. rosmsg, rosnode, rostopic have their own Python api (see each linked pages). That said I don't find a necessity for rostest to wrap many command line tools. Ouster ROS Package Continuous Integration with Travis-CI. This post details the process of integrating the Travis-CI tool with the Ouster ROS package.

Ouster ROS Package Continuous Integration with Travis-CI

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers integrate code into a shared repository. Each integration can then be verified by an automated build and automated tests. This automated testing allows you to quickly detect errors and locate them more easily. Mike Moore's Blog – Projects. My hobbies include doing software, simulation, and embedded controls development for home-made robots.

Mike Moore's Blog – Projects

This page shows off a few related projects. Mike Moore's Blog – Using Simulation for Testing and Continuous Integration. This could easily be a post in its own right.

Mike Moore's Blog – Using Simulation for Testing and Continuous Integration

Maybe at some point I'll write one up with more detail. In the mean-time, checkout the code found here to see how Bobble-Bot uses a Gazebo simulation to perform its automated integration tests. Here's an outline of the basic steps to follow for any ROS + Gazebo integration test. Include test dependencies in package.xml¶ We added the following lines as test dependencies to our package.xml file. Any good examples of ros unittests? - ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum. ROS is agnostic to which unit testing framework you use, but most folks use gtest for C++ and unittest for Python.

Any good examples of ros unittests? - ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum

For Python, nosetest (an abstraction on top of unittest) is often used as well. Integration tests are actually just an extension of unit testing in ROS and is handled through rostest. rostest is simply a wrapper around roslaunch. You can add <test> tags anywhere inside a standard ROS launch file to add additional nodes that are launched specifically for testing. roslaunch ignores these tags, but rostest does not. If you use rostest, it will bring up all the regular nodes (tag <node>) plus the test nodes (tag <test>) specified in the launch file.

Usually launch files meant for testing have the .test extension. Within your test nodes, you simply use a unit testing framework to report to rostest the results of the test. This is where the examples are for Python. In general, for both Python unit and integration tests you want to do the following: Victor Lamoine / ros_gitlab_ci.

Dimensional Analysis of Robot Software without Developer Annotati. FSE18 Artifact: phys. Phys is a tool to detect physical unit inconsistencies in C++ that builds against the Robot Operating System. phys is a command-line tool that can be used with Docker.

FSE18 Artifact: phys

Example For example, assume a developer is building a robot and wants to calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides x_err and y_err, but the developer accidently uses a multiply symbol (*) instead of an addition symbol (+), and ends up adding x_err * x_err (meter-squared) to err_y (meter): Allow configurable REPORT_LOCATION, CONFIG_PATH and HOME_PATH by nlimpert · Pull Request #19 · rosin-project/haros_catkin.

ROS Catkin Package Maker · Antoni Rosinol. 21 Sep 2019 Usage details in repo Tired of creating catkin packages from scratch?

ROS Catkin Package Maker · Antoni Rosinol

Just run: Files · 7375e1c7b78fb7c7d7e5bfc21fae5f66e4da1470 · robbie / ros_buildfarm · GitLab. Update plugin versions for current buildfarm. (#477) (#482) (#486) · 7375e1c7 Update plugin versions for current buildfarm.

Files · 7375e1c7b78fb7c7d7e5bfc21fae5f66e4da1470 · robbie / ros_buildfarm · GitLab

Container States — SMACHA 0.5.0 documentation. Container states are special types of states that allow for state constructions to extend beyond linear state sequences.

Container States — SMACHA 0.5.0 documentation

SMACHA uses two types of container states: StateMachine containers and Concurrence containers, for producing nested state machine hierarchies and parallel state machines respectively. Nested State Machine Example¶ Here is a simple SMACHA script seq_nesting_1.yml from the test/smacha_scripts/smacha_test_examples folder in the smacha package that uses a StateMachine container to define a nested state hierarchy: If we execute this script by running the following command in one terminal: How to import custom jinja2 filters from another file (and using Flask)? Call a python function from jinja2. Get nested dict items using Jinja2 in Flask.

Design document for Node Interface Definition Language (IDL) by artivis · Pull Request #266 · ros2/design. Installing Python scripts and modules — catkin 0.7.14 documentation. Even if your_package only contains Python code, it still needs a catkin CMakeLists.txt to install executable scripts and to export modules so they can be imported in other ROS packages. Scripts ROS executables are installed in a per-package directory, not the distributions’s global bin/ directory. They are accessible to rosrun and roslaunch, without cluttering up the shell’s $PATH, and their names only need to be unique within each package. How do I target $SNAP_DATA from snapcraft.yaml. Triggering pipelines through the API. Flatpak 1.0 : enfin un "App Store" universel pour Linux. En développement depuis plusieurs années, Flatpak est désormais prêt pour l’installation centralisée de logiciels sous Linux, peu importe la distribution utilisée. Déjà adoptée par Mint, la version 1.0 vient de sortir et l’entreprise de Stockholm n’en est pas peu fière.

Le framework aura mis près de 3 ans à sortir des laboratoires, mais il est prêt, confirme cette semaine son éditeur (qui est avant tout une communauté). Il a connu un lancement officieux en mai 2017, visiblement suivi d’une très longue période de perfectionnement. Son objectif est de faciliter la vie aux éditeurs d’applications Linux en fournissant une solution permettant la distribution des logiciels peu importe la distribution de l’utilisateur final. Aujourd’hui, Flatpak se targue d’être compatible avec rien moins que 16 distributions Linux grâce à une solution de container. Linux Mint l’a déjà adopté comme solution de base pour la gestion des applications et Fedora fera de même.

Présentation en vidéo. L'intégration continue plaît plus aux dirigeants qu'aux développeurs. L'intégration continue/livraison continue (continuous integration/continuous delivery ou CI/CD) est l'une de ces choses qui promet de faire d'Agile une réalité, mais nécessite une transformation assez complète des processus des services IT. Building Docker images with GitLab CI/CD. CIs. During ROSCon 2015 Birds Of a Feather session was suggested to create such page to help people setup CI on their projects. Also check the talk: The ROS build farm - what it can do for me at ROSCon 2016. The ROS build farm is used to provide the official ROS packages and successfully works with a large number of repositories and packages.

Beside building Debian packages it also provide continuous integration builds, GitHub pull request testing as well as documentation generation. Jenkins provides an easy interface to the result of all unit and rostests. It is build around the recommended ROS tools and uses Docker to perform easily repeatable results. The Python package also provides a command line interface to use each job type in other environments, e.g. on any CI server (e.g. how to run a devel job on Travis) or locally. Préparer son environnement de dév. ROS avec Docker. Sublimetext3 - Sublime color scheme for XML with Unicode node name. Jump to the next closing tag in HTML documents? - Plugin Development - Sublime Forum. Resources. The Second IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing. Debian - Create a .deb package with only dependencies. How To Use AppImage in Linux [Complete Guide] How to generate .deb from catkin workspace in ROS. Ros. Estimated reading time: 13 minutes The Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open source project for building robot applications.

GitHub repo: Library reference This content is imported from the official Docker Library docs, and is provided by the original uploader. Managing build infrastructure of a Debian derivative. About BuildStream — BuildStream 1.1.3+79.g1d694b2 documentation. Continuous Integration / Delivery for Debian packages. Myrepos. How are you handling building local Debian/Ubuntu packages? I’m in the middle of some conversations about Debian/Ubuntu repositories, and I’m curious how others are handling this. What is Docker? Introduction guide to Docker - Kernel Talks. Using Flatpak on Ubuntu and Other Linux [Complete Guide] Is there any way to get APT to install packages to my home directory? Continuous delivery of a Spring Boot application with GitLab CI and Kubernetes.

Orbital Apps - A New generation of Linux Apps.