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Copyright-Free Images

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ThingLink - Make Your Images Interactive | GSHP eLearning. - your netaudio source since 2005 | Latest album: ADSL by Noisesurfer. Advanced Search. Google Advanced Image Search. Image * After - currently 24848 free textures and images available. Find free images online! " HeyJude. Images are an important part of the creative side of any educators’s work. We need to make use of quality image sources that are good, free, and easy to search through.

The trick is to know what sources to recommend to students. It’s not just about copyright – its about being practical, and showing students the wonderful world of possibilities beyond Google images or taking anything they find that is not actually in the public domain – a vital point as more students and teachers move into online environments of blogs, wikis and more. Including images with postings enriches the experience for the reader and can also help to illustrate or support the writer’s viewpoint. Flickr is my top favourite which also has an advanced search option. Flickr Creative Commons compiles images that Flickr users who chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license. FlickrCC Attribution Helper – outstanding! By Beverly & Pack.