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Slash rec websites

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Cori Lannam's Mild-Mannered Recommendations Page. I slash, therefore I am. Slash Fan Fiction on the Net. Kathara's original slash recommendations. Slash Fiction Online! - Fanfic Recommendations. Kathara's original slash / yaoi recommendations. H o m o n e u r o t i c a. Index. The Slash Slut's Recs Where the motto is: " One guy is hot, but two are hotter.


" Update:The Hexwood Archive Otherwise known as the Due South Archive will not be closing. Odysseys and Ecstasy. Pavilion Fanfiction. Storyteller's campsite - index page. Slash Fan Fiction on the Net. Juxian Tang's favorites. Kamil's Mellifluous Malefactions. Viridian5 Fiction: The Green Room version 3.0. Luthien's Recs and Raves. Viridian5 Fiction: The Green Room version 2.0. - welcome! Because we should all read lots of slash! A.S.S.- Recommendations. Fanfic recommended by cmshaw. Table of Contents Have you hugged your fanpusher today?

Fanfic recommended by cmshaw

This is a semi-organized, semi-annotated collection of fanfiction that I like. Originally much of it was Sentinel, most of it still is slash, and a lot of it will probably always be NC-17, but I won't always note what's what -- wherever possible, I'll let the authors speak for themselves on pairings and warnings and such. This page will not be organized by fandom, pairing, or anything else so popular, but rather by my own internal categories. All categories are subject to continual update, as are my comments about any of the stories listed. Favorite Fanfic Writers. The Reading Room. Just a reminder in case you have surfed in from a link, these are adult stories, and most likely slash in nature.

The Reading Room

If you don't know what slash is, then it is a very good idea if you leave NOW. This site is labeled with ICRA. Multi-fandom Fiction Recommendations. Hub. Everything, Everyway. Purity's Room. Anhedonian recommendations. All Jewels Have Flaws... or... Net (dot) Bitch does Fic Recs. All Jewels Have Flaws... or... Net (dot) Bitch does Fic Recs. Favorite Fanfic Writers. Christine's Critic's Corner. Slash Recommendations. Holly's Smallville Slash Recs. Flesh Wounds. Jan and June - Slash Recommendations. August 26, 2001 We've started a Slash Weblog where we'll keep our latest recommendations.

Jan and June - Slash Recommendations

Our older recommendations are listed below. January 22, 2000. Jan and June - Recommendations. He hit me, and it felt like a kiss: Sandy's "Slash Without Consent" link page. Born to Bottom. Born to Bottom. Rushlight's Recs. Himeko Himura's Fantasy World. Meg Loves a Good Bottom. Madrigal's Fanfiction Recs: Highlander. Maygra's Musings. Simple Pleasures. Rispa Recommends. Killa's Adventures in Melodrama.