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SGA McKay/Sheppard fiction recs - shouting at windmills. (Last updated in 06/2010.)

SGA McKay/Sheppard fiction recs - shouting at windmills

This collection of recs is sorted by category. Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?, jen’s rodney mckay/john sheppard fic recs. Romancingmcshep.livejournal. Stargate Fic Recommendations. Find SGA Stories in a Specific Genre - A collection of thematic recs and comprehensive lists, as well as community masterlists. The following is a collection of thematic lists which include personal recs, comprehensive collections and some community masterlists, most of which have been recced in this post and some that I stumbled upon while perusing them.

Find SGA Stories in a Specific Genre - A collection of thematic recs and comprehensive lists, as well as community masterlists

If you know of any others you'd like added please leave a comment below. These haven't been organized by themes/genres as I had hoped to do (in fact, they lack any real organization at all), as many of them have multiple genres and listing them all would be a long and ultimately not very practical job. Still, better than nothing. And yes, I did pimp my own lists, but you're welcome to do the same too. Gotta start the collection somewhere and all that. ETA: New additions added to the bottom. Thematic comprehensive lists, rec lists and delicious accounts/tags. Running Tally-Stargate: Atlantis-Chandri. Atlantis is on Earth for a total of three months and twenty-four days, but it feels like much longer.

Running Tally-Stargate: Atlantis-Chandri

The longer they're made to wait on a decision, the more bad-tempered everyone gets. Rodney doesn't have nearly as much free time as the rest of his team to work himself into a good froth about being held hostage by the IOA. Instead, like every other time he's returned to this benighted planet in the past five years, he's immediately consumed by inhuman amounts of work. The work is almost uniformly pointless, being the sort of nonsense he tends to escape by virtue of none of it being important enough to bother him with from another galaxy. Stargateficrec - Profile. Sga_episodefic. Memorable Thematic Lists Entries. Through the Looking Glass. I like Alternate Universes in fanfic a lot, so I've collected recs for my favorites in this genre.

Through the Looking Glass

I read gen, slash, and het in different fandoms, so you'll find all kinds of AUs recced here. Within a fandom the recs are sorted by author, with new additions being marked. For TS the links are also sorted by the type of the AU (see sub-categories), but in the end I was too lazy to adopt that system for the other fandoms that have accumulated many entries. It is labelled whether something is gen, slash or het, but those are not separate sections. Sga_episodefic. The Alchemy Project. Apr. 24th, 2011 09:27 pm - SGA Fic Rec I seriously don't have a x-over tag after all these years?

The Alchemy Project

For real?? I know that it's something that's bothered me since my first year, and I really. never. corrected. that. Recs and resources. Stargate Gen Rec. Stargate Fic Recommendations. Red for Pleasure Live. Wicked fanfic thoughts. Scribewraith Recs. Memorable SGA recs Entries. A Thousand Stories... Things What I Like. McKay/Sheppard - My Shame Is TL;DR - Fandoms I Have Loved 10: Stargate: Atlantis. And, yes, I do resent the need to use two colons in the title.

My Shame Is TL;DR - Fandoms I Have Loved 10: Stargate: Atlantis

The Stargate people need to ease off on the punctuation a bit. I probably should've done the SG-1 FIHL before this one, but that one's indefinitely stalled. (Look, you try summarizing nine seasons of a show you've never seen a minute of; I mean, the character deaths (permanent), character deaths (prolonged), character deaths (temporary), and character deaths (bait and switch) alone would take fifteen pages, which pages are already extant at Arduinna's phenomenal Stargate Handbook, thank god.) Whereas I still have a shot at finishing this one. Shall we begin? I started reading SGA because of the fandom equivalent of a heavenly conjunction; suddenly three thousand FF writers, including 80% of my favorite ones, were writing stories in this fandom, causing massive orbital fluxes and gravitational anomalies. I am not a strong woman. And since then, SGA's gravitational pull has only increased.

Well, partly. The Characters. The Rec Room - Primer for Reading SGA Fanfic. Find SGA Stories in a Specific Genre - Epic Length McKay/Sheppard (Recs) 643857. Stargate: Atlantis Fanfiction Recs. Jamficrecs.livejournal. SGA Fic Recs - Elle Me Dit. Bookshop: and then, randomly, there was a McShep Primer on your flist. So, I realized last night that I had literally forgotten to post this back in September when I made it.

bookshop: and then, randomly, there was a McShep Primer on your flist.

It's kind of dry and there is not enough picspam, but that's okay, because we're all adults, we don't need shiny pictures to help us through lots of text, right? Right? Okay, whatever, just pretend like you read it. Rusty_armour: SGA Fic Recs. As I've been recommending a number of SGA stories lately, I thought I'd compile a list of favourites here.

rusty_armour: SGA Fic Recs

This is mostly for selfish reasons, as it means I can find these gems more quickly when I'm away from my beloved hard drive collection. It might also mean that I can occasionally help someone on sgastoryfinders when they're trying to track down a fic. All of my recs are basically McKay-centric 'cause he's, like, my favourite character. Arduinna's Recs: Stargate Atlantis.

Gen | Slash | Mixed | (vid recs) updated May 29, 2007 Gen SGA: The Rising novelization, by Domenika Marzione Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis (gen)

Arduinna's Recs: Stargate Atlantis

Stargategenrec.livejournal. McKay/Sheppard. Stargateficrec.livejournal. Stargate:Atlantis recs. Through the Looking Glass. FanficRecs/Stargateatlantis. Stargate Atlantis Master Rec List. Mensa_au: Masterlist: Mensa AU Fanfic. Pampalini007 - There's Magic in the SGA... I’m a big fan of magical SGA AUs featuring mages, wizards, warlocks or witches of any kind :). Magical creatures are welcome too – if there is at least one magic-user present. This is a thematic list for such stories, meaning: no recs (at the moment), only title, author, link, who’s what (at least one person and hopefully no spoilers), word count if I managed. Suggestions for additional fics very welcome! 3552. 3751. 967. Here's a list of all the SGA fic I could find that deals with characters being de-aged (turned into kids or teenagers). If you think these should be organized any differently, I'm open to suggestion. If there are any I missed feel free to leave a comment with a link.

Rodney McKayLost and Found by bimacky GSummary: Really, if anyone had asked John what a seven-year-old Rodney McKay would be like, John would have probably choked on his food and thanked the Pegasus deities that they'd never have to know. Stuck! The Giant McShep AU List : Giant McShep AU List. Delicious. The McKay/Sheppard Wedding Master List - Google Docs. SGA thematic list: Wingfic. This is a thematic list (i.e. not recs) for stories in which an SGA character has or obtains wings, whether in AU scenarios, with explanations or as random crackfic scenario. Stories in which characters are transformed into flying creatures (normal or magical animals such as birds, bats, or dragons), don't count as wingfic for this list. In case of borderline scenarios, e.g. transformation into human-like but winged creatures such as fairies, demons or gargoyles, the list is inclusive rather than exclusive, but anything that would better fit on the various animal transformation lists is not listed here.

More than one character with wings.John with wings.Rodney with wings.Ronon with wings.Elizabeth with wings.Others with wings. These are not recs, but a thematic list. I'll link gen stories as well as all kinds of pairings, but at least initially it's biased towards pairings I read, e.g. Last updated: April 16, 2013 1. Archangel, by Czarinakathryn Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. 11,938 words. SGA thematic list: Werewolves and other wereanimals. This is a SGA thematic list (i.e. not recs) for stories in which an SGA character becomes or already is a wereanimal. 'Wereanimal' here is not all that strict, but refers to any supernatural animal-shapeshifting as long as is not another kind of magical animal category, such as centaur! Fic or dragon! Fic. It is sorted by character, which kind of wereanimal is listed with the story. More than one character is a wereanimal.John is a wereanimal.Rodney is a wereanimal.Ronon is a wereanimal.Radek is a wereanimal.

A continuous, uninterrupted muchness of the sameness - SGA Animal!fic Rec List (2 of 2): Animal Transformations Fics. SGA Animal! Fic Rec List (2 of 2): Animal Transformations Fics The second and slightly more substantial rec list (the previous one was the SGA Animal! AUs fic recs): Please to note that these are just my recs and not an all-encompassing thematic list. And that, just like in the previous list, the term "pairing" might be used lightly in some of these; unless specifically noted with a warning or rating, no bestiality or sex of any (animal) kind (bad pun, I know, sorry!) 59288. 59009. Ellex42.livejournal. Debris-k.livejournal. Find SGA Stories in a Specific Genre - A collection of thematic recs and comprehensive lists, as well as community masterlists. The following is a collection of thematic lists which include personal recs, comprehensive collections and some community masterlists, most of which have been recced in this post and some that I stumbled upon while perusing them.

If you know of any others you'd like added please leave a comment below. These haven't been organized by themes/genres as I had hoped to do (in fact, they lack any real organization at all), as many of them have multiple genres and listing them all would be a long and ultimately not very practical job. Still, better than nothing. And yes, I did pimp my own lists, but you're welcome to do the same too. Gotta start the collection somewhere and all that. ETA: New additions added to the bottom. Threnodyjones.livejournal. Korilian: Rodney's Miserable Childhood Masterlist UPDATED:20/11/08. Miss Cellaneous - Slashy het / het slash. Incidental_fire: Recs: SGA Genderswitch {For 14 Valentines} The Sentient!Atlantis Fics Weblog. No more tears. Stargate: Atlantis Fanfiction. Stargate Atlantis slash fan fiction. Chez Crysothemis. 1866. Massive SGA Recs Set. I am a woman of a certain reputation. - The Big List of Mckay/Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis) Fic Recs. Recs: Stargate Atlantis: Mckay/SheppardLast Updated: May 2, 2005 Here’s my list of recs for the big geeky slash pairing of Atlantian love that is Mckay/Sheppard.

Next up: Veronica Mars and Lost. Moonlettuce.livejournal. Minnow1212.livejournal. The Narrative of Claire. McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index >> Crossroads - Stargate Atlantis Slash Index.