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Teen Wolf Full Moon Fic Challenge. FULL MOON FICLET. Trope Bingo. Come To My Window - tryslora - Teen Wolf. FULL MOON FICLET: Prompt #14--Shadows. Discovery Channel - Kayevelyn - Teen Wolf. Like A Beast - Brego_Mellon_Nin - Teen Wolf. The Hole in the Floor (Art)-Teen Wolf (TV)-thecheekydragon. There’s a moment where Stiles is eighty per cent sure they’re going to be ignored, twenty per cent sure they’re going to get shot at, and then the door swings open to reveal their downstairs neighbour.

Stiles gapes. The guy’s dressed in sweatpants and an old ratty t-shirt and still looks thirty times better than he can ever hope to look. Dark hair, slight stubble and…Stiles realises he’s staring. Gaping. Scott clears his throat. “We live upstairs,” he says, “hi.” The guy arches one eyebrow, doesn’t say a word. “We’re responsible for the mess. “Probably not then,” says Scott, “we could buy some chocolate milk, though.

Stiles does, adding a huge FOR SCOTT next to the item in case anyone happens to see the piece of paper. He finds Scott lounging on the couch talking to himself. Scott raises an eyebrow, but gets up to go and peer through the peephole. Stiles sighs. Derek grins and goes to lean forwards, then seems to think better of it. They move away from the hole. And they kiss.