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Zippered Pouches - girl. Inspired. You know how you see a project flash across your computer screen and you just can’t stop thinking about it?

Zippered Pouches - girl. Inspired.

When I saw Kate’s “Little Zippered Bow Pouch” tutorial, I knew I needed to make a few for the girls. These little bags sew up in no time and they are adorable. They’re really quite spacious, too! Make Your Own Floral Suitcase! Plain vintage suitcases are pretty great but cover them in your favorite coordinating fabrics and your house just got cuter! Not only do they look cute in your home, they're great photo props.

Decorate a nursery, stack them high in your living room, stand them up behind other items on a shelf, etc. It's an easy way to add color to your space without investing a lot of money. Keep an eye out for hard cases with stitched seams (for tucking fabric in) and think about using a variety of sizes for great impact. You no longer have to pass up the perfect case shape because of a nick in the vinyl! First, gather your supplies. . , a paint brush, a pen, scissors, a rotary cutter. Girl's Survival Kit. Altoid Tin Box. How to Make a Cigarette Pack Wallet. Camera Bag. How many of us would love to have a camera bag like this!?

Camera Bag

High five cause I certainly would too! But at $170 a pop it's juuuuust not in the cards for me right now. Besides I think I would rather spend that extra cash on a new lens, or filters, or editing software. Not saying I wont buy one of these show stoppers one day but in the mean time, I made my own show stopper for, get this, $25.00!!! Yep, you read that right sister (or brother, or whoever)!! Cute Camera Case. Pencil Pouch. Magazine Wallet. For those of us whose pocketbooks can't handle buying holiday gifts at Anthropologie ... why not MAKE your pocketbook out of Anthropologie?

Magazine Wallet

(Magazines, that is.) I've been having fun with beautiful magazines and my Xyron 900, sewing up a set of these recycled wallets for stocking stuffers. Honestly, it's more difficult photographing these darn wallets than actually making them! Laminated items don't do well in any light as far as a camera is concerned. Trust me - the finished product is much more charming than these photographs show.

Zipper Pouch. Hello :D I really want to share with you my method of making a zipper pouch.

Zipper Pouch

It is not very different from many others tutorials but has a few more added tipbits to help you make the perfect pouch. I hope you find it easy to follow, this is a guide on how to make a zipper pouch. Its up to you what size, shape and pouch design you would like to make. Supplies or What You Will Need ♥ Exterior Fabric ♥ Lining Fabric ♥ Interfacing ♥ Zip/Zipper ♥ Sewing Machine ♥ Zipper Foot ♥ Thread ♥ Wonderweb or similar ♥ Pouch Pattern (with seam allowance) 1. 2. 3. Tip: always make sure your zipper works and that it is long enough that the zipper pull will not get in the way of your zipper foot when sewing.

Then place your lining fabric on top of the zipper. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mini Cosmetics Bag. As promised, here is the result of my new fabrics – a mini cosmetic bag!

Mini Cosmetics Bag

Not only was I excited to actually make something out of my new fabrics, this project also gave me a chance to practice sewing with zippers (something I’ve never done before). I followed this tutorial, but made mine a bit smaller and more rectangular, rather than square shaped. It is always amazing to see how all the pieces (somehow) come together as you sew. Most importantly, I love the end product and think its completely adorable! That, and it was relaxing to be able to start my crazy, monster of a week with a little creativity. Related Posts MINI Variety, mini matchbox cards, Mini Instax Books, castle.

Credit Card Holder. Update: I've finally created a Flickr group where you can upload photos of the credit card wallets you've made.

Credit Card Holder

I've seen some really fun versions out there, so please share them with us here~ I'm a huge purse-lover, but I always find myself grabbing my driver's license and credit card when running into the grocery store, post office, out to drop the kids off at school, etc., so I love having these little wallets in a multitude of colors and patterns. They're light enough to grab and go and compact enough to slide in my back pocket. They're also great way to personalize giving a gift card.

The tutorial I did for this version has been the most popular post on my blog every week since I put it up in November of 2008. Credit Card / Business Card / Gift Card Holder Tutorial Here you see the pink lining piece and my blue floral outer piece, with interfacing attached. Take your 6 x 4" pocket piece and fold it down about 1/4 inch, then 1/4 inch again. Clip the two top corners for easier turning.