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55 Interesting Ways to Support Writing in the Classroom. Creative Writing Prompts. Write a scene that includes a character speaking a different language, speaking in a thick accent, or otherwise speaking in a way that is unintelligibe to the other characters. (Note: You don't necessarily need to know the language the character is speaking—be creative with it!) Describe a character's reaction to something without explaining what it is. See if your fellow prompt responders can guess what it is. Write a story or a scene about one character playing a prank on another. Describe the scene from both characters' points of view. Writing Prompt: Write a story that involves confusion over homonyms (words that have the same spelling but different meanings) or homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently).

For World Storytelling Day, share the best story you've ever heard or told by word of mouth, or have a fictional character recount their favorite story. You're making your way down a cobbled street when a stocky, red-bearded man beckons you into an alley. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: Study Guide, Questions & Discussion of Characters & Themes. Written by: Pamela Rice-Linn • edited by: SForsyth • updated: 3/27/2015 Earn a better score on any exam and increase your understanding of John Boyne’s classic novel with this review. All answers can be found in the book (page numbers are given to make this even easier), but try to answer on your own first! Pick up your copy of John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas to help you recall answers to the following questions.

Page numbers from the hardback copy are provided to help you identify evidence from the story, but not all questions rely on the words on the page. For some questions, you’re going to have to think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Don’t be afraid to dig deeper for more meaning or settle for the most obvious answer. The best questions are the ones you ask to satisfy your own curiosity. References Boyne, John. Audio book striped pyjamas. Boy in striped pyjamas john boyne pauline michelle lizzy. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - Discussion Questions. Discussion Questions 1. Discuss the relationship between Bruno and Gretel. Why does Bruno seem younger than nine? In a traditional fable, characters are usually one-sided. How might Bruno and Gretel be considered one-dimensional?

2. At age 12, Gretel is the proper age for membership in the League of Young Girls, a branch of Hitler's Youth Organization. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Top of page (summary) Jane Austen. Shakespeare. Digital Storytelling. Svenska (åk 6-9) Microsoft free pics. Insert clip art In the newer versions of Office, there's no longer a clip art library, but Office still helps you insert clip art. STEP 1: Select Insert > Online Pictures (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out and then you'll see the Insert menu.) STEP 2: Type a word or phrase to describe what you're looking for, then press Enter. STEP 3: Filter the results by Type for Clipart.

STEP 4: Select a picture. STEP 5: Select Insert. That's it! The image is inserted in your Office document. Clip art and copyright The licensing filter (Creative Commons only or All) can help you choose images that are appropriate for the use you have in mind. When using pictures or clip art from Bing, you're responsible for respecting copyright, and the license filter in Bing can help you choose which images to use. Free image library: the Pickit add-in Another option is to install an Office add-in named Pickit that puts free, licensed clip art in Office.

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Tala Lyssna Om. IKT i skolan. Lär dig grunderna | Utbildning. Innehåll:STEG 1 En förståelse för Hattie’s forskning – ”Synligt lärande” STEG 2 En förståelse för BFL-strategiernaSTEG 3 En förståelse för metodernaSTEG 4 Andras erfarenheter STEG 1 – En förståelse för Hattie’s forskning – ”Synligt lärande” Titta på föreläsning med Jan Håkansson om ”Synligt lärande” (52:44) eller läs Skolverkets artikel Undervisning inte skolans huvuduppgift för att ta del av de grundläggande slutsatserna i John Hatties forskning om att synliggöra lärandet. Läs Christel Janssons 24 luckor om Synligt lärande för lärare för att få en intressant och lättillgänglig genomgång av Hattie’s forskning för lärare.

Vill du fördjupa dig ytterligare kan du läsa Synligt lärande - Jan Håkanssons svenska sammanställningen av Hatties rapport och titta på hans powerpoint där forskningen presenteras. Synligt lärande i Svedala Tillbaka upp STEG 2 – En förståelse för BFL-strategierna I filmklippet Introduktion – formativ bedömning (28:31) får du precis det som titeln säger. Svenska år 9. Asemannebratt. Karinwickelgren. Språk. BARBRO WESTLUND. Grammatik. Skrivguider genrer. Grammatik.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore. Listening and Speaking exercises in English. Voki Home. Speaking.

Welcome to Speaking for ESL learners, to help you learn and practise the skill of speaking English. Speaking is the second of the four language skills, which are: 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Reading 4. Writing What Is Speaking? A basic look at what speaking is and is not, and what it involves for English learners. The Importance of Speaking Practice Speaking to yourself can be "dangerous" because men in white coats may come and take you away!! Improve your speaking with MyEC!

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Goodnight Mr Tom. TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing. Engelska - länkar till intressanta sajter. Hur grym är du på engelska? Skulle du vilja testa dina kunskaper och samtidig lära dig någonting? Nedan följer några exempel på hemsidor där du kan göra test på engelska och få poäng och svar på vad du gjorde fel på. På så sätt kan du även lära dig av dina misstag. English Test - Testa dina engelskakunskaper med hjälp av gratis, interaktiva test. En mycket bra sida där man dels får poäng och kan se hur bra man gjorde på testet, efteråt visas det korrekta alternativet och man kan även klicka på frågan och direkt få hjälp i ett forum om man inte förstod varför just det alternativet var rätt.

World English Test - Massor med olika test - både ord och grammatik - för flera olika nivåer. How to Write a Short Story (with Sample Stories. Steps Part 1 Brainstorming Ideas 1Come up with a plot or scenario. Think about what the story is going to be about and what is going to happen in the story.

Consider what you are trying to address or illustrate. Decide what your approach or angle on the story is going to be.[1]For example, you can start with a simple plot like, your main character has to deal with bad news or your main character gets an unwanted visit from a friend or family member.You can also try a more complicated plot like, your main character wakes up in a parallel dimension or your main character discovers someone else's deep dark secret. 2Focus on a complicated main character. Part 2 Creating a First Draft 1Make a plot outline. Part 3 Polishing the Draft 1Read the short story out loud. Community Q&A Add New Question How do I create a good title? Ask a Question If this question (or a similar one) is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know.

Article Info Featured Article In other languages: Reading Comprehension Worksheets. "Your reading comprehension materials are the best I've found on the web. They are so thorough and comprehensive! My students and I have learned a lot from them. Thanks so much! " -- Susan B., Carter, KY. 03/21/12 Like these materials? Show your support by liking us on Facebook... On this page you will find our complete list of high quality reading comprehension worksheets created specially by our team for students in grade levels K-12. READTHEORYWorkbooks Visit our online store here! Our reading comprehension worksheets teach students to think critically, draw inferences, understand scope and global concepts, find or recall details, and infer the meaning of useful vocabulary words. © COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home.

Grade 1 - Find more here! Phew! You really really like reading comprehension. Critical Thinking Reading Comprehension Worksheets Short Story Reading Comprehension Worksheets Answer Key - Coming Soon! " Skillswise - English. Free ESL Worksheets, English Teaching Materials, ESL Lesson Plans. Super Teacher Worksheets. STW Filing Cabinet Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. Quickly access your most commonly used files AND your custom generated worksheets!

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Listening comprehension. Storyline Online.