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Oxel. How to Fold a Fitted Sheet: 12 Steps. Edit Article Edited by Maelyn, Jack Herrick, Alan J, Sondra C and 22 others Folding fitted sheets instead of simply scrunching them up is a handy way to both keep your linens organized and to conserve as much storage area as possible.

How to Fold a Fitted Sheet: 12 Steps

Whether you're a neat freak or just somebody who likes to save space, you can gain plenty from learning how to effectively fold a fitted sheet. It's a simple process and once you get the hang of it, you'll soon be folding fitted sheets left and right! Ad Steps a Fitted Sheet Step 1 Version 2.360p.mp4 00:00 00:03 00:03 spaceplay / pauseescstopffullscreenshift + ←→slower / faster (latest Chrome and Safari)←→seek . seek to previous 12…6 seek to 10%, 20%, …60% 1Hold the sheet lengthwise in your hands.

Tips For extra convenience you can also store all sheet sets inside one matching pillow case. How to Fold a Fitted Sheet: 12 Steps. Universalmedel. Rengöringsmedel En del ättika med tre delar vatten.


Tar bort kalkavlagringar på diskbänkar, tvättställ och runt kranar. Tar bort kalkavlagringar Tar bort kalkavlagringar i vatten- och kaffekokaren. Fyll med vatten till minimimärket på behållaren, häll i ca 1/2 dl ättika och slå på kokaren. Fyll därefter kannan med rent vatten och kör igenom systemet tre gånger. Samma teknik kan användas till ångstrykjärn. Kalkbort Power 0, 5 l, Rengöringsmedel, miljövänligt. Ocean tvättmedel,tvättmdel på nätet, tvättmedel. * Maria's Self *: DIY Toilet Bombs - Deodorize & Kill Bacteria! Just Drop One in the Bowl;-))) Remember I told you in my previous post that the next product in my store will be an "outside the box" one?

* Maria's Self *: DIY Toilet Bombs - Deodorize & Kill Bacteria! Just Drop One in the Bowl;-)))

Well, you've been warned;-))) I came up with the idea of Toilet Bombs a few months ago. At first I thought it would be embarrassing to make a post about them but I fell so much in love with these toilet bombs that I just HAD to share the idea with you - I'm seriously addicted! When I drop them in the toilet bowl they start fizzing (= exploding;-) and not only do they smell amazing they also deodorize, kill the bacteria (including the odor-causing ones!) And keep the bowl clean. And on top of that, these bombs became a part of my bathroom decor - don't they just look adorable? WHAT I USE: (for approx. 24 bombs) --1 1/3 cup Baking Soda - amazing for all-natural cleaning AND deodorizing!

--1/2 cup Citric Acid - (low-strength acid that exists naturally in fruits like lemons & oranges) - used in many kitchen & bathroom cleaners for its cleaning, whitening & deodorizing properties. One more Moore: Spring is here! Doesn't it feel good?

One more Moore: Spring is here!

It's warming up here in Southern California (well, it's always warm...but you know.) We hit the beach for the first time this year on St. Patrick's Day. Charlies' first time there and it was good. We stayed & watched the sun set. You need a small stockpot filled about 2/3 full with water. 1 lemon, sliced, and a few sprigs of rosemary (on a cold dark night, armed with scissors, I did a little snippy snip of rosemary from the apartment bldg next door. 31 Ways To Seriously Deep Clean Your Home. How to Clean Range Hood Grease Filter - Article: The Family Handyman. How To: Soft Flat Iron Curls. Recently I've had a lot of requests for a step-by-step on these curls - These curls are done with a flat iron.

How To: Soft Flat Iron Curls

A huge part of getting your flat iron curls to turn out is using the right kind of flat iron! When picking out a flat iron that's good for curling, look for one that's skinny, has rounded edges, and gets somewhat hot on the outside of the plates as well. For these curls I used the GHD Classic Styler. Also, don't be fooled by those kiosks in the mall claiming their flat irons are the only ones designed to curl and straighten.

See a video tutorial for flat iron curls HERE. 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. How to Make your Stainless Shine. Addition: Hi y'all!

How to Make your Stainless Shine

I just have to say WOW, I can't believe the traffic that this post has been getting from pinterest, other bloggers, home improvement sites, and even personal recomendations. Thank you to everyone who has commented or emailed about this post. I just have a few things I should add. Gummerad slipsten. Mockaguiden II – Att vårda mocka. Den främsta anledningen till att många undviker mocka är svårigheten att vårda och hålla efter materialet.

Mockaguiden II – Att vårda mocka

Men det finns tips och knep som håller mockaskorna snygga. Manolo har listat allt du behöver veta. Grunden i mockavården är en bra mockaborste som tar bort smuts och samtidigt ruggar upp själva ytan. Hemligheten är att borsta åt ett samma håll, företrädelsevis i riktning mot skons tå. Det gör att mockans fibrer drar åt samma håll och blir slätare.

När skorna börjar bli riktigt smutsiga är ett bra tips att borsta upp skorna över ett kokande vattenbad.