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Tarot reading, tarot meanings, tarot lesson, tarot spread, timing, predicting the future. How To Give Proactive Advice During A Tarot Reading By Using The Rule Of 2. Few things in life are guaranteed.

How To Give Proactive Advice During A Tarot Reading By Using The Rule Of 2

This is especially true if you’re a Tarot reader. But this one rule — the Rule of 2 — is guaranteed. Iron clad. Doesn’t matter who you are, how you read, or how hard you try to prove this wrong. You won’t. You can’t. Want to be a better Tarot reader? Here’s what you do: After you have made your predictions to the client, provide them with choices by converting the Tarot cards from passive forces into active ones.

That’s it. No matter what type of Tarot reading you’re giving — career, relationships, health — if you give the client the option to change the outcome by converting the Tarot cards from passive events into something the client can do … … you have my iron-clad, 100 percent guarantee that you’ll deliver a better reading. Imbalances In Your Tarot Reading: Why Paying Attention To The Tarot Cards That Are Not There Is Very Important. As Tarotists, what do we focus on when we read for our sitters?

Imbalances In Your Tarot Reading: Why Paying Attention To The Tarot Cards That Are Not There Is Very Important

Speaking from my own experience, I focus on providing a flowing narrative based on the cards in front of me. At all times, I aim to provide accessible, meaningful interpretations of the cards in the spread for my sitter so that by the time they leave, the sitter has a greater understanding of their situation. However, for the last few years, I’ve been using another useful technique and one, hopefully, that will appeal to Doug’s sense of Zen! Focus On The Cards That Aren’t There I know, it sounds a bit bizarre, but when I explain when and how to implement this tip, it will make perfect sense.

The time to use it is when you are nearing the end of your reading and you are in the summary stage. A balanced reading will be one that contains a smattering of Major Arcana readings and some cards from each of the Minor suits. For me the really interesting part is where you look at what is missing or low in quantity. The Elemental Dignities Dictionary – Two Card Combinations. A good place to begin learning Elemental Dignities is with two card combinations.

The Elemental Dignities Dictionary – Two Card Combinations

The collaboration between Douglas Gibb of Tarot Eon and myself was essentially to show our readers and Tarot students that it’s in this very dynamic that you can begin to see the elements interacting with each other and the effect they have on each other. I like to call this process a ‘rebalancing of the energies’ in a Tarot reading. By examining this interaction and then applying it to your Tarot cards or reading, you are in fact working with the Tarot in such a way that positional spreads quickly loose their positions, and more importantly their importance. Douglas and I wanted to create a resource that would make that process easier for our readers, and Tarot students everywhere. Beginning with two card combinations, we set about defining what the process meant to us personally, and the many uses of two card combinations.

Also known as a daily draw, or single draw. The push and pull continues. Fire / Air.