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Lenormand Card Combinations List - Cafe Lenormand. Legal disclaimer: Lenormand and other readings are for entertainment only.

Lenormand Card Combinations List - Cafe Lenormand

In no way should they be taken as medical, legal, or other professional advice. The information provided in a Lenormand or other reading is not legally binding. We assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, readings. You must be 18 or older to request a reading. How to read Lenormand, Zigeuner, Tarot & other alternative fortune telling systems (Madame Seaqueen's Eastern European View)

Petit Lenormand

Ancient Swedish Playing Card Meanings. The Swedish playing card meanings below are from the book Sibyllans Hemligheter (Secrets of the Sibyl), edited by Sven Linde published in 1977.

Ancient Swedish Playing Card Meanings

This book is a collection the best practical divination and magic tricks (stage magic and mentalism) from very old Swedish sources. I do wish Mr. Linde revealed his sources! If divination and stage magic seems an odd mix to you, let me assure you that I agree. I happily skipped the magic tricks portion of the book and went straight for the astrology and divination sections.