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Carlos Castaneda & related stuff

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CARLOS CASTANEDA: Timeline. Index of /ebooks/Castenada/books. NAGUAL FORUMS Forums. The Toltec Path. Index of /ebooks/Castenada/books. Gnostic Parallels in the Writings of Carlos Castaneda. The eleven books of Carlos Castaneda record his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian, don Juan Matus, who plays Socratic mentor to Castaneda’s skeptical anthropologist.

Gnostic Parallels in the Writings of Carlos Castaneda

Over more than twenty years, Castaneda learned the theory and practice of a new discipline proposed by his mischievous and demanding teacher. The art of the “new seers” involves revising ancient secrets of Toltec sorcery transmitted to don Juan through a late lineage dating from the 18th century. “Sorcery” in this case means a path of experience that stands apart from the experiential habits of humanity (French sortir, “to leave, depart”). Through a long process of trial and error, Castaneda manages to alter the parameters of perception and explore other worlds. In the process of his adventures, he encounters certain alien inorganic beings who present an obstacle or test for the shaman. We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. 13, the mechanism of the assemblage point. Castaneda. Jag arbetar på en bok om Carlos Castaneda och hans indianske trollkarls-lärare, Don Juan.


En del av det kommer att finnas här framöver. För er som inte vet vem Carlos Castaneda är så är han en omtvistad och kultförklarad författare till numera12 st böcker om sin lärlingstid hos den indianske shamanen och "trollkarlen" Don Juan och hans sällskap. Det tvistas en del fortfarande om sanningshalten och om Don Juan verkligen var en existerande person men eftersom jag inte har några större möjligheter att ifrån Sverige och helt utan resurser att kontrollera själv så har jag brytt mig mera om vad det är han egentligen skriver och vad det är för kunskap som döljer sig i böckerna.

Det visar sig, enligt min åsikt, att det är en oerhört sofistikerad och komplex lära som har sitt ursprung så långt som tusentals år bakåt i tiden. Man ska visserligen inte underskatta människor men jag personligen har mycket svårt att se att en enda människa skulle kunna sitta och fabulera ihop allt det där. Fogpunkten. The most important concepts of carlos castaneda. Carlos Castaneda’s Tensegrity® A List of Words and Concepts in the Books of Carlos Castaneda. Carlos Castaneda was a man.

A List of Words and Concepts in the Books of Carlos Castaneda

Now he is no more. He died in 1998. Before he left this world he wrote some 12 books on shamanism, magic, flying like a crow and speaking to lizards, about meeting Mescalito high on psychotropic cacti and a metaphysical view of the world. That view was fascinating as it used concepts mostly alien to western esoterism, so to decode Castaneda's concepts this overview might be of some help. Assemblage point - encasing our physical body is an aura and on that aura there's a certain assemblage point, assembling our perceptions. Assuming responsibility - "Assuming responsibility for your actions means that you are ready to die for them. " - don Juan Awareness - consciousness, mindfulness. Breaking routines - in order to release energy you can break everyday routines. Controlled folly - consciously acting the fool, taking things seriously only "as if" they were important. Dreaming, the art of dreaming - how to steer your dreams by will.

Seeing - clairvoyance. Notes on the Works of Carlos Castaneda. The Gurdjieff Legacy Foundation — The Teaching For Our Time. Tensegrity - links to videos of Magical Passes on youTube to provide assistance for beginning practitioners of Carlos Castaneda's tensegrity.