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Data: Where can I get large datasets open to the public. Social Data Network for Government. The Socrata Open Data API (SODA) allows software developers to access data hosted in Socrata data sites programmatically.

Social Data Network for Government

Developers can create applications that use the SODA APIs to visualize and “mash-up” Socrata datasets in new and exciting ways. Create an iPhone application that visualizes government spending in your area, a web application that allows citizens to look up potential government benefits they'd overlooked, or a service that automatically emails you when new earmarks are added to bills that you wish to track. To start accessing this dataset programmatically, use the API endpoint provided below. For more information and examples on how to use the Socrata Open Data API, reference our Developer Documentation.

API Access Endpoint:

Open data

The 70 Online Databases that Define Our Planet. Back in April, we looked at an ambitious European plan to simulate the entire planet.

The 70 Online Databases that Define Our Planet

The idea is to exploit the huge amounts of data generated by financial markets, health records, social media and climate monitoring to model the planet’s climate, societies and economy. The vision is that a system like this can help to understand and predict crises before they occur so that governments can take appropriate measures in advance. There are numerous challenges here. Nobody yet has the computing power necessary for such a task, neither are there models that will can accurately model even much smaller systems. The Open Database Of The Corporate World.
