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Ich selber häkel unheimlich gern und habe schon so manches Muster ausprobiert und wieder ausgeribbelt ;o) Aber letztendlich hab ich es dann doch geschafft, und so manch hübsches Teil ist dabei entstanden. Doch ich will Euch nicht mit superschweren Muster überrennen, sondern auch etwas für die hier präsentieren, die des Häkelns noch nicht so besonders mächtig sind. Wer weiss, vielleicht lasse ich mich ja doch noch überreden, ein paar schwierigere Muster zu zeigen. ;o) Ausserdem findet ihr hier noch einen kleinen Häkelkurs sowie eine Nadeltabelle, zur Umrechnung D - GB - USA, da es zahlreiche Anleitungen in Netz gibt, die leider Gottes aus Amerika stammen bzw. HäkelkursTopflappenNützliche IdeenGranny SquareHäkeltabelle Ein kleiner Häkel-Kurs Alles was Ihr zum häkeln braucht, ist ein Häkelnadel und das entsprechende Garn dazu.

Dictionary of Knitting and Crochet Abbreviations: Lion Brand Yarn. How to crochet the 2nd round in amigurumi  Happy Tip Tuesday! Today, I’m going to talk about how to crochet the of your amigurumi! You see, I spend a lot of time talking about how to start off with the first round. Whether it’s using the magic ring method or the sloppy slip knot … the first round gets all the attention! And then, Jen (a twitter friend of mine) said she was having trouble on the second round.

Of course! For today’s tip, I’m using the pattern shown in help reading crochet patterns for beginners . Don’t turn your work! How did I know it was the next stitch? So, now I know what my next stitch is! That’s just a confusing chain left over from the original chain 2. Now you know which are your 6 stitches, crochet twice in each one. Häkeln lernen: Der Fadenring. Fragen Sie sich, was ist ein Fadenring?

Häkeln lernen: Der Fadenring

So ging es mir auch, als ich den Begriff in einer Häkelschrift entdeckte. Es ist eine gute Methode, wenn eine Häkelarbeit in Runden gehäkelt wird und die erste Runde am Anfang nicht so dick sein soll. Das Häkeln die Anleitung und Muster. Häkeln lernen: Das Quadrat. Aus vielen gehäkelten Quadraten können schöne Decken entstehen.

Häkeln lernen: Das Quadrat

Ob einfarbig oder ob bunt, je nach Muster können tolle Stücke gefertigt werden. Obwohl Sie immer nur ein kleine Quadrat gehäkelt haben. Für ein Quadrat gibt es mehr als eine Anleitung. Häkeln Sie das Quadrat mit Festen Maschen, dann entsteht eine geschlossene Arbeit, mit einem sehr dichten Maschenbild. Gut geeignet für Topflappen oder sehr warme Decken. How To Crochet - updated May 6, 2011. This is an ongoing project for the Craftster Crochet board; as such, it will be updated often!

How To Crochet - updated May 6, 2011

Our goal is to create a complete "How to Crochet" guide hosted here on Craftster. How YOU can help: If you've heard of a technique that isn't listed here, please suggest it (as a reply to this thread) so that we can add it to the list! If you know how to do any of the techniques listed here and would like to do up a tutorial, please do so, and then post the Craftster link to it in reply to this thread. Someone will periodically go through this thread, add the new ideas and tutorials to the master list (and will delete your reply to this thread, just to keep things tidy and easy to manage). The rules: for a tutorial to be listed here, it has to be hosted on Craftster (in one of the Crochet boards). If you are interested in creating the tutorials, please try to "fill in the gaps" and focus on the techniques that don't have a tutorial already. Other Stitches Beyond the Basics Joining Methods. Tutorial - double crochet (US) / treble crochet (UK)

This post is about the double crochet stitch (dc in patterns).

Tutorial - double crochet (US) / treble crochet (UK)

This is the US term. The UK term for it is treble crochet (tr in patterns). Make sure you know which terminology is being used in the pattern you’re using! Let’s start! Here we are at the end of the previous row: (For working into the base chain, refer to the Insert Hook post. The turning chain for this stitch is 3ch. So chain 3: And turn: Before we start the stitch, let’s look at where we’re going to put it: The red arrow is pointing to the first stitch in the row below.

Instead, work your first “real” stitch into the second stitch of the row below, where the green arrow is pointing. Here’s the stitch: Yarn over: NEW IDEAS IN CROCHET? A FEW IDEAS…… · Crochet. Carina's craftblog. Adopt a cozy blanket!

Carina's craftblog

I have a few crochet (baby) blankets available. The softest 100% cotton. They are a crazy low prize: £25 a pop, including postage to anywhere in the world! Email me if you are interested, letting me know which one has taken your fancy. Details about (approx.) size can be found below. 1. 75 x 75 cm - 29.5" x 29.5"2. 68 x 68 cm - 27" x 27"3. 70 x 70 cm - 27.5" x 27.5"4. 65 x 65 cm - 25.5" x 25.5" How to Crochet with Pop-Tops. Crochet a Flower With Pull Tabs For crafters who want to know how to crochet with pull tabs, we've come up with this free crochet pattern that will teach you how to crochet a flower.

How to Crochet with Pop-Tops

This is our first DIY project and it's a good introduction to recycled crafts. This crochet flower can be made into a Christmas tree ornament, a brooch or incorporated into a larger project. To download a printable version, click here » Step 1: Materials & Tools. Crochet Abbreviations Master List. Single Crochet Stitch. Stricken Häkeln lernen mit eliZZZa * Socken stricken, Strickanleitungen, Strickmuster, Häkelmuster, Häkelanleitungen. Häkelmuster. How to read a crochet pattern. HOW TO READ A Crochet PATTERN The first step in learning how to read a crochet pattern is to learn the terms and abbreviations. I have most of the terms, abbreviations and stitch instructions on my Crochet Basics Page.Once you familiarize yourself with these terms reading patterns will be much easier for you. The following are pattern excerpts that viewers have asked me about. Crochet In A Chain Space Illustrated.

Crochet Tutorial - Working in a Chain Space.