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Warum ich WhatsApp mit Schülerinnen und Schülern nutze. 5 Ways to Text From Your Laptop. Image: Mashable Misplace or break your phone?

5 Ways to Text From Your Laptop

No cell signal? Have no fear: You can still text away with a computer via Wi-Fi. Texting from a laptop has its perks — it's free of charge, typing is easier and faster, and best of all, you can look busy when you're not. 10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps. If you've ever wanted to build an app for your business, blog, product or service, but the heavy investment of both time and money put you off, you're not alone.

10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps

The good news is that entering the mobile market no longer necessarily requires thousands of dollars and months of work. There are many mobile platforms available to help you build an app on a budget — quickly, and with no coding knowledge required. With a small investment, you can create and manage your mobile site or application using one of the platforms listed below, and start reaping the advantages of offering your customers a dedicated mobile experience, including increased awareness, engagement and revenue. Show As Gallery Have something to add to this story? Image: Mashable composite. iStock, pressureUA. Your Quick Guide To Searching the Internet From The Wii. Getting started with the Wii’s internet browser and familiarizing yourself with its basic functions and controls requires just a few simple steps.

Your Quick Guide To Searching the Internet From The Wii

Before long you’ll be able to search Google, watch YouTube videos, and play online games, all with your Wii remote! How Do I Connect My Wii to the Internet? First of all, you will of course need to connect your Wii to the internet. This simple guide can tell you how. Once you’re connected to the internet, you have to download the Wii’s Internet Channel from the Wii Shop Channel. Once the Wii Shop Channel loads, select Start Shopping at the bottom. On the next screen, scroll down until you see the Internet Channel. You can now access the Internet Channel from the Wii’s main menu. The Start Page When you start the Internet Channel, you will find yourself on the Start Page. Controls The controls for the internet browser are optimized for the Wii remote.

The A button works like left-click. Browser Controls Bar Conclusion. Schluss mit dem lahmen und teuren DSL-Anschluss - Ein Wechsel kann sich auszahlen. Ein Wechsel kann sich auszahlen Von Christoph Overkott Ein DSL-Tarifwechsel kann sich auszahlen (picture alliance / dpa - Michael Reichel) Viele Internetnutzer zahlen für ihren DSL-Anschluss zuviel.

Schluss mit dem lahmen und teuren DSL-Anschluss - Ein Wechsel kann sich auszahlen

Einerseits purzeln die Preise, andererseits steigt die Leistung. Schon locken Angebote mit 50 Megabit pro Sekunde. Schneller surfen und sparen – das können nur Kunden, die ihren Vertrag im Blick haben. "Bis dato gibt es bereits die VDSL-Anschlüsse, die Übertragungsraten von bis zu 50 Megabit pro Sekunde bieten. 50 Megabit, 16 Megabit, 6 Megabit – das alles klingt schnell, ist aber meist um ein Drittel langsamer. Support - iPod nano (1st generation) Replacement Program. Rückrufaktion für MP3-Player - Apple tauscht Uralt-iPods um - Digital. Anzeige Wer vor einigen Jahren einen iPod Nano gekauft hat, könnte bald ein neues Exemplar erhalten: Wegen einer Fehlfunktion der Batterie ruft Apple einen Teil der Serie zurück.

Auch das Batterieproblem des iPhone 4S bleibt einigen Nutzern erhalten. Wer einen iPod Nano der ersten Generation besitzt, erhält womöglich bald von Apple ein neues Gerät. Voraussetzung: Der MP3-Player muss zwischen September 2005 und Dezember 2006 gekauft worden sein. How To Jailbreak According To chpwn.

When you jailbreak an iOS device for the first time, you have a lot to learn.

How To Jailbreak According To chpwn

That's just the first of many ways jailbreaking is unlike the out-of-the-box Apple experience. To get a better sense of the purpose and potential of jailbreaking, I talked to one of the best. chpwn is the creator of, a single destination to keep you posted on the latest jailbreaks for all devices and OS versions. He's also created a host of apps and services that really make the most of the freedom afforded by jailbreaking. He doesn't just break the conventions of iOS for the sheer joy of it; he understands what the system needs but doesn't have.

ReadWriteWeb: Why jailbreak? Chpwn: Jailbreaking is about getting around the restrictions that Apple puts in place, so you might think that jailbreaking is mostly about getting the kind of apps that Apple doesn't allow. But jailbreaking is really about a lot more than that. None of these are traditional "applications," like what's in the App Store, though. BIG Launcher für Android. How can I print from my Android tablet to a local network printer?

Ratgeber: So reizen Sie Notebook-Akkus optimal aus. 13.05.2007, 11:00 Uhr Toll: Endlich reicht die Batterie-Leistung in Ihrem Notebook auch für längeres Arbeiten! Lesen Sie, wie Sie mit der richtigen Akku-Pflege und einigen Tricks länger ohne Steckdose auskommen. Wer Notebooks richtig bedient, verlängert die Einsatzbereitschaft des Akkus. How to Sync an iPod Without Deleting the Music. Stolperfallen beim Notebook-Kauf - Bilder, Screenshots.