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Kitchen03.jpg (450×626) Egg-separator-kitchen-gadget.jpg (500×430) Egg-cuber-makes-square-eggs-1.jpg (450×450) Smile-Cooking-Toaster-1.jpg (450×294) Wilton Nonstick 6-Cavity Ice Cream Cookie Bowl: Kitchen & Dining. PIZZA SCISSORS / SPATULA - CUT n SERVE Stainless Steel: Kitchen & Dining. Ingenious Label Design Ensures Food Safety. Japanese design agency TO-GENKYO has designed an innovative hourglass shaped label for packaged meat which uses a special ink that changes color as ammonia is released inside the package.

As the meat ages, it releases increasing amounts of the substance, obscuring the barcode at the bottom. Customers can quickly see if the meat is going bad – and when the barcode becomes completely covered, it can’t be scanned. Yamazaki - TW-00 - Gone Fishin 5 Piece Place Setting | Dinner Projects. ECORD is a compound word of Economy and Electric cord which has significance of ‘Eco-Design’.ECORD protects environment by efficiently reducing energy waste due to the ‘Standby Power’. ECORD is designed environment-friendly, and is competitive product with its function and quality. If there is a leaking tap, anyone would like to close it.

In the same way, if there is leaking electric power, anyone would like to cut it off. However, unfortunately, we do not even notice the leaking, or wasted energy due to standby power, because we cannot see, or hear it. ECORD makes users aware of their standby power waste by display current flow, and therefore helps them to cut down the leak. ECORD has a patterned new composition on its PVC covering.

Using ECORD in not merely using electric cord, but saving environment, and further, saving the earth by reducing energy consumption. Backen: Eierkuchendrucker aus Lego. Der Pancake Bot von Miguel Valenzuela bewegt die mit Eierkuchenteig gefüllten Ketchupflaschen über die Backplatte und drückt den Teig aus. Das Gerät ist im Grunde genommen eine dreiachsige CNC-Maschine, die die Z-Koordinatensteuerung zum Ausquetschen des Teigs per Druckluft nutzt.

Druckluft treibt den Teig aus der Ketchupflasche Der Teigvorrat wird in zwei zusammengeklebten Oberteilen zweier Ketchupflaschen untergebracht. Eine Öffnung ist zum Anschluss der Druckluft gedacht, während über die zweite der Teig abfließt. Auch die Druckluft wird über Lego-Mindstorms- Bauelemente mit Hilfe eines kleinen Kompressors erzeugt. Zunächst wollte der Erfinder zur Steuerung des Eierkuchenroboters Python NXT von Marcus Warner und der Python NXT Group einsetzen. Z-Achse ist die Teigspritze Valenzuela verwendete schließlich zur Steuerung das Programm Etch-A-NXT, das ursprünglich von Michael Gasperi, Philippe E. Mickeymäuse und LKWs. Ovablastic. Halloween Cookie Cutters | Halloween Cookie Cutter and Cookies For Sale.