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Tigerprint: Jeffery Rudell Cut Paper Thank You Notes. Came across this beautiful cut paper notes via Paper Crave and their by Jeffery Rudell.

Tigerprint: Jeffery Rudell Cut Paper Thank You Notes

Simply stunning, enjoy! Crooked house: Spring Letter Paper Cuts. I just bought this gorgeous paper cut on Etsy.

crooked house: Spring Letter Paper Cuts

This is likely to be the first letter of the new baby's name -- and if not, it's still the first letter of mine. At dinner last night there was a lot of animated discussion about the arrival of spring. Our friend Bonnie showed Luke where it said "First Day of Spring" on her calendar. "It's going to be spring at 8:22 am tomorrow," she told him. Handmade cards gifts and lanterns by PapaverDesigns. Une pointe d’épices, la papeterie homemade.