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"Aktion-tu-was": Mehr Zivilcourage dank iPhone? - Nachrichten. Startseite - BooksAround - Die iPhone App, die Literatur erlebbar macht. SourceKit - Text Editor Inside Chrome. Unleash Your Über-Nerdiness by Using Google Apps via Command Lin. Yes, the command line – that sexy, monochrome, text-based terminal where hackers do their dirty work in movies ““ and now you can show your friends just how hardcore you are by uploading your photos to Picasa with it. GoogleCL is an Google command line application written in Python that allows you to make Google Data API calls from the command line, and all jokes aside, can actually be very useful if you’re writing scripts to interact with the aforementioned Google services. In this guide, I’ll give you a tour of GoogleCL with some examples to get you started. Getting Started Note: This guide is going to be very technical. First, the tough part.

Google Command Line for Windows Users Windows users have to follow a few extra steps to make this work. Download and install Python ““ I’m using version 2.6.5 in this guide and selected the default settings when I installed it. Windows XP: Right click My Computer, select Properties, and click the Advanced tab. Mac and Linux Users: Using GoogleCL. Individuals | Solutions | Viigo | Living Life Untethered.

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Chrome. Firefox. Gpanion - Your Google Apps Companion (beta)