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Www.instructables. Winter White Spooky Girl Necklace Top. Hearts. Here, I’ll show you how to make an origami heart out of a dollar. There are many different patterns out there and this one is sometimes called change of heart. You’ll need a dollar bill or any U.S. paper currency. For this video however I’m going to be using a piece of paper approximately twice the size of a dollar so you can see what's going on more clearly. I want the pink side of this paper to show so I’m going to start by flipping it over. Fold the corner of one end down to form a triangle. If you have trouble pinching in the sides to form the water bomb base, you can flip this over. When you do this, it kind of looks like a kite and now we’re going to squash these triangles down. Stalpless Paper. A Little Bit of College Ruled Genius By our friend and returning Yanko champion, Sherwood Forlee.

Check out the simplicity. Just punch out the corner, make a cut or two, fold back, and POW! You are green. Get out there and kick-start the economy! That Forlee, always thinking with his heart. Visit his portfolio or click below to see the other things by SF that have been featured on Yanko Design. Designer: Sherwood Forlee. List 3D. Page corner bookmark. Leaf Boquets. Little stars. Since the new year has started I’ve been trying to think of ways to be more kind to my self. Especially when that nasty gremlins try to creep in and stump me. I remembered this origami star video on You Tube and had to get them involved in my plan. I thought it would be fun to make a whole bunch with kind words and “you are….” phrases inside.

I made 60 of them, enough to last me the whole year if I open one a week, plus a few extra just in case. I used 12 x 12 inch scrapbook paper and cut 1/2 x 12″ strips, then followed the video HERE*. I put them all in a little jar and prettied it up. *UPDATE! Be Sociable, Share! Rose. This D.I.Y Revolution will not be televised This D.I.Y revolution will not require you getting up at stupid o’clock and fighting your fellow man tooth and nail for paint and nails This D.I.Y revolution will not require giving up most of your weekend and crying about the flakes of paint in your hair This D.I.Y revolution will not feature Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen or any of the team from Extreme Makeover: Home edition* It will just require you – some card and scissors and you can get your homemade flowers on for full deets on this DIY teach get thee gone to Cardgirl Invitations and see the end result via Dozi Design as Wendy is the original genius behind these.

*We would like to offer our sincere apologies to Gil Scott Heron for ruining a classic – but he had to be sacrificed in the name of blogging! About the author I'm the big kahuna with the whole shebang. Amma = Idiot + Savant. Also known as Ams, Amsy, and less frequently Adjubi .