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20+ Technology Projects for Kids They'll Love.


Format 3 - Interactive Sound Experience - Bare Conductive. Creating interactive spaces with hidden sensors, that trigger sound or projection mapping, can create a truly immersive experience.

Format 3 - Interactive Sound Experience - Bare Conductive

These spaces blur the line between the physical and digital worlds. Format 3 is just that. It’s an interactive project that makes use of conductive paint and the Bare Conductive Touch Board, amongst others. We caught up with the team behind Format 3 to find out more. Hi Martha and Louise! 4. Adafruit Circuit Playground Express - Programming with MicroPython. Zero battery paper circuit @TinkeringStudio #papercircuit #STEM #STEAM.

Zero battery paper circuit @TinkeringStudio #papercircuit #STEM #STEAM. Resistenze in parallelo in un circuito elettrico: spiegazione e legge. I vari componenti di un circuito elettrico possono essere collegati in due modi: in serie o in parallelo.

Resistenze in parallelo in un circuito elettrico: spiegazione e legge

I componenti in serie sono stati trattati nella lezione precedente, mentre ora parleremo di componenti in parallelo.Due componenti si dicono collegati in parallelo quando la tensione elettrica tra i loro estremi risulta la medesima. Con riferimento alla figura seguente è facile comprendere perchè si dica “in parallelo”: Come nel caso dei collegamenti in serie, è possibile collegare più di due elementi in parallelo. La domanda che ci poniamo è la seguente: se colleghiamo in parallelo due (o più) resistenze R1, R2, …, possiamo dire che il collegamento in parallelo delle resistenze sia equivalente ad un’unica resistenza Req.? La corrente elettrica e i circuiti - Matematicamente. Home ▸ Appunti ▸ Fisica per le superiori ▸ Elettromagnetismo ▸ La corrente elettrica e i circuiti di Francesca Ricci Nei dispositivi elettronici di qualsiasi genere, la corrente circola per permettere il corretto funzionamento grazie a dei circuiti elettrici, cioè degli insiemi di conduttori collegati tra loro e ad un generatore di corrente.

La corrente elettrica e i circuiti - Matematicamente

Per corrente elettrica si intende un moto ordinato di cariche elettriche; sappiamo che all’interno di un conduttore le cariche negative, cioè gli elettroni, sono liberi di muoversi; tuttavia vi sono anche dei casi in cui il movimento delle particelle coinvolge anche quelle positive, i protoni. Il moto di queste particelle è dovuto alla differenza di potenziale che si crea all’interno di un circuito. Come abbiamo già visto, infatti, le cariche positive tendono a muoversi verso punti a potenziale più basso; quelle negative, invece, si muovono naturalmente da punti a potenziale minore verso punti a potenziale maggiore. Elemania. Art Archives - chibitronics.

Educators - chibitronics. Paper Circuits For Makerspaces - Paper Circuits using Circuit Stickers – CC Jie Qi Flickr FREE – Get (5) Paper Circuit Project Templates Plus a Few BONUSES A paper circuit is a low-voltage electronic circuit that is created on paper or cardboard using conductive copper tape, LEDs and a power source such as a coin-cell battery. Circuits From Scratch. Up to this point, we’ve focused on the mechanics of electronics — wiring and soldering — skirting around the theory by following some shortcuts and recipes.

Circuits From Scratch

It’s sufficient for many folks’ needs. Learning the underlying principles creates opportunities for using other battery types (including rechargeables) and achieving longer run times. Or maybe you’re just curious! Crazy Circuits. Crazy Circuits is a non-soldering electronic learning platform that allows people to create circuits from almost any material they can imagine.

Crazy Circuits

Crazy Circuits are designed to pop onto LEGO™ bricks, enabling your creations to light up, move, and make noise. Use Crazy Circuits to construct paper crafts with conductive tape, use conductive thread for sewing, sculpt with conductive dough, and create art with conductive inks and paints. You can even upload Arduino sketches to the Crazy Circuits Touch Board. Comment faire un simple homopolaire Motor. How to make a speaker. Paper Speakers (various materials)


SAM Labs - Build and program your awesome inventions. HOW TO: Quick Start, Software. Ever played Mario on Play-Doh or Piano on Bananas?

HOW TO: Quick Start, Software

Alligator clip the Internet to Your World. "four-year-old daughter has managed to connect the kit" ~BBC "Rejoice! " ~Mashable "by far the coolest Kickstarter project" ~Kotaku "turns the whole world into a keybaord" ~Engadget "a lot of enthusiasm and love" ~Wired "crazy, inventive experiments" ~PC World "We love a good diy project" ~LIfehacker "So small, so quirky, so simple, so awesome. " ~Contiki "Mind explosion in progress.

" ~Indie Cookie "turns your alphabet soup into a keyboard" ~New Scientist "Edison meets OK Go" ~Cool Material Order Your Kit Includes Makey Makey, USB Cable, 7 Alligator Clips, 6 Connector Wires, 20 Stickers, and Graphic Instructions. Circuit Builder – Applications Android sur Google Play. Circuit Builder is designed to be an introduction to constructing and operating electronic circuits.

Circuit Builder – Applications Android sur Google Play

Intuitive controls and layout make Circuit Builder the perfect App for understanding the basics of electrical and electronic circuits. Circuit Builder has been optimised for use on tablets, but also works well on large screen smart phones.Build your own virtual circuits using any combination of electrical components.The easy to use library of components includes batteries, switches, lamps, resistors (fixed and variable), capacitors, fuses, circuit breakers, buzzers, heaters and motors.

Connect components using virtual wires to make a circuit. Put the App into operate mode to see it work. Make Paper Circuit LED Lanterns - Tinker Crate Project Instructions. Paper Circuit! Paper Circuits - Flower. Electric Conductive Paint Projects and Ideas - Homeschooling Ideas Blog. I started this as my Teenager Tuesday newsletter idea – and it got to long I decided a blog post was in order!

Electric Conductive Paint Projects and Ideas - Homeschooling Ideas Blog

I want to share with you a cool new type of paint – and some project ideas for using it. Conductive ink is a type of ink that conducts electricity. So it lets you draw a circuit that you would normally need a wire for. Electro card web. Building a Capacitive Proximity Sensor using Electric Paint - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive. Prices are calculated on cart weight and are displayed on checkout page Orders placed before 16:00 GMT on weekdays are dispatched on the same day Orders placed after 16.00 on Fridays will be dispatched the following Monday All orders are Delivered Duty Unpaid.

Building a Capacitive Proximity Sensor using Electric Paint - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive

Standard ShippingVia Royal Mail and NOT TRACKABLE. DRAWING WITH CONDUCTIVE INK: 4 Steps (with Pictures) AdWords We use AdWords to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AdWords.

DRAWING WITH CONDUCTIVE INK: 4 Steps (with Pictures)

Ads are based on both AdWords data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that AdWords has collected from you. MODI : Create Anything You Want. Giochiamo con i circuiti morbidi – La Fucina delle Scienze.

Di Alfonso D’Ambrosio Cosa accade se mettiamo in mano ad un bambino della plastilina, dei led ed una batteria? Semplice: tanta fisica e tanto divertimento!!! La plastilina, si sa, è un buon conduttore (come realizzare della pasta isolante o conduttrice? Scoprilo qui), ha una discreta resistenza interna (di alcune centinaia di Ohm per ogni centimetro) e può fungere da “filo conduttore” se attaccato ai capi di una batteria. Procuratevi, quindi, una batteria da 9 V, collegate ai poli della plastilina che trovate in edicola ed iniziate ad accendere un led. Con mia figlia abbiamo creato dei semplici circuiti con led in serie ed in parallelo.

Non basta? Abbiamo attaccato alla nostra batteria, in serie, un cicalino che suona con una frequenza che dipende dalla tensione ai suoi capi. Electricity & Electronics Project Ideas. LE FUNZIONI LOGICHE. Indice. Fritzing. Circuito.