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DIY, Popup et Acupuncture

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Le Park(ing) Day, « when we’re all urban planners » - ADUQ. – Un grand évènement participatif éphémère – Le Park(ing) Day est un grand rendez-vous international, au cours duquel chacun peut façonner son milieu et devenir à sa manière un design urbain.

Le Park(ing) Day, « when we’re all urban planners » - ADUQ

Au cours de cette journée, chacun peut participer à sa manière à un grand projet, revendiquant un meilleur partage de l’espace urbain, et une vision stimulante de la ville, décomplexée, multifonctionnelle, participative, et avant tout avec moins d’espace réservé à l’automobile. Devenue désuète au fur et à mesure qu’elle s’est transformée en un espace monofonctionnel de transit automobile, la rue représente un immense espace en friche à reverdir et reconvertir collectivement. (photos des éditions précédentes du Park(ing) Day, source) Gilford En Vacances, Montréal 2012 – Des impacts durables – Aujourd’hui, ces actions revendicatrices d’un espace urbain nouveau ne restent plus dans l’anonymat et ont réellement un impact sur la manière dont les villes du XXIe siècle se façonnent.

Il y a plus de solutions que de problèmes. Walk [Your City] by CityFabric. Like us on FACEBOOK | Follow @WalkYourCity™ | Follow @CityFabric Walk [Your City] - The Facts What?

Walk [Your City] by CityFabric

An open-sourced online resource for anyone to auto-magically create their own guerrilla wayfinding sign to export, print and install. (We hope to add community feedback/dialogue to the platform if there is strong enough support) Why? The BBC Altered States - How to get America to Walk" - CLICK. A new way to transform your local area ... Public-seating-main. City Superheroes From the Minds of Babes - Arts & Lifestyle.

Let’s face it, when you need a superhero, Spidey never seems to be around.

City Superheroes From the Minds of Babes - Arts & Lifestyle

But what if you could conjure up your own superheroes, with powers customized to your neighborhood? That’s the fantasy embodied by Guardians of the City, a public art project dreamed up by two MFA students at New York’s Parsons the New School for Design. Lea Faminiano, 24, and Liz Belfer, 27, came up with the idea for their thesis project. The two have been conducting workshops for New York school kids, asking them what needs protecting in their neighborhoods and encouraging them to draw superheroes that have the power to get the job done. Then they blow up the drawings and tape them in public places in need of a comic book kick. The kids, from elementary school through high school, have responded with some ingenious solutions to their city’s challenges. The "Homeless Detective” has the ability to tell real homeless people from fake homeless people so you won’t “give money to liars.” Survivre, s'adapter, s'enterrer.


Blogs. Smart Cities Should Be More Like Lean Startups. For those of you who haven’t read the Lean Startup by Eric Ries, the basic concept behind it is that we have been going about the startup process all wrong.

Smart Cities Should Be More Like Lean Startups

Instead of writing long business plans, raising early funding, and building initial prototypes over the course of a year, we need to foster startups that constantly learn and iterate around a minimal viable product. By constantly tweaking, or occasionally pivoting the product, service, and business model in response to early customer feedback, startups can improve their likelihood of success or at least fail faster and cheaper.

I have spent the past few years immersed in sustainable and smart cities. So naturally, I recently began thinking about how to merge the concept of lean startups with smart cities. To me, the idea of a Lean City is completely complementary to the idea of smart cities. Another key component of lean startups is the creation and iteration of minimum viable products. Hacker-Artist Underground. Thirty years ago , in the dead of night, a group of six Parisian teenagers pulled off what would prove to be a fateful theft.

Hacker-Artist Underground

They met up at a small café near the Eiffel Tower to review their plans—again—before heading out into the dark. Lifting a grate from the street, they descended a ladder to a tunnel, an unlit concrete passageway carrying a cable off into the void. They followed the cable to its source: the basement of the ministry of telecommunications.

Horizontal bars blocked their way, but the skinny teens all managed to wedge themselves through and ascend to the building’s ground floor. There they found three key rings in the security office and a logbook indicating that the guards were on their rounds. But the guards were nowhere to be seen. This stealthy undertaking was not an act of robbery or espionage but rather a crucial operation in what would become an association called UX, for “Urban eXperiment.” Eight years ago, the French government didn’t know UX existed. “Here.” Anarchitectures. L’artiste Olivier Ratsi explique ici son travail de déconstruction du paysage architectural.


Ville ludifiée, ville lubrifiée ? DIY and homeless. What do the 'DIY urbanism' movement and homelessness have in common?

DIY and homeless

Whether it's a temporary studio, a pop-up shop, a sleeping bag in a doorway or a tarpaulin under a bridge, all are informal responses to the scarcity of space for everyone's needs and ambitions. But while DIY urbanism is hailed as a creative, revitalising force, the homeless are still marginalised in many cities. A group of young fashion designers occupy a studio space while the property group who manages it seeks a corporate tenancy. BIMBY, un Blockbuster Urbain. To be read.