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Improve your memory using these actors' tricks. Remember like an actorSo you say you have a wedding toast to memorize? A twenty-minute speech you have to know by heart? A list of people’s names you absolutely must remember? That's nothing! Imagine delivering the long soliloquies of Shakespeare or the impassioned speeches of Arthur Miller or the razor-sharp dialogue of David Mamet. When it comes to memorization, professional actors can claim bragging rights. How do they do it?

Noice’s first and most surprising discovery is that most actors don’t memorize their lines in the traditional sense at all. They are searching for the intentions of the play’s characters: why they do what they do, and especially, why they say what they say. Another key to actors’ superlative memories: words are often intimately connected to actions onstage. “You’ve got to have these two tracks going simultaneously—‘This is what I say, and this is when and where I move,’” one of the actors told Noice.

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Why Nara Bans Inter-Office Email In Favor Of Intimate, Real-Life Face Time. Tony Tjan of Cue Ball, on Accepting New Ideas. How you can be a better conference speaker + how to establish credibility and likeability « Chris Adams Project (CAP) Chris Adams is a former Hollywood Exec from Participant Media who would “green light” and develop movies like An Inconvenient Truth and Syriana.

Chris has strong experience as a conference speaker at film conferences and more recently about social media. He also has strong (often contrarian) views on what makes a good conference speaker. I’m keen to learn from Chris because I do some conference speaking on the topics of How to Work with the Media and Persuasive Communication – and I want to get better.

I study and learn from youtube videos of Chris’s presentations – plus I have the advantage of being able to ask him questions directly when we catch up every month or so when we record a batch of videos for the Chris Adams Project. Chris is happy to pass on lessons he has learned over the years including important lessons he has learned from mistakes he has made. If you are asked to speak at a conference or an event here are Chris’s tips. Chris is so “Hollywood” with expressions like: 2. Free Online Course Materials | 2011 Empowerment Conference. Speakership by Matt Church. Dance your Powerpoint or PhD. Future Agenda: Welcome. The next decade will see more people and constrained resources but better connectivity and a shift in economic power to Asia.

How will this affect the world we live in? What are the other big issues for the next decade? These are concerns that individuals, companies and governments need to address. The Future Agenda programme, sponsored by Vodafone Group, is a pioneering open foresight project that has brought together informed people from around the world to analyse the crucial themes of the next ten years. This website details the output from multiple discussions. Navigating this website The Future Agenda programme kicked off sixteen parallel discussions. The Four Macro Certainties In the opening section, we detail what we see as the four macro-scale certainties for the next decade - the things that, unless there is an unexpected, massive and fundamental global shift, will most definitely occur and so are the certitudes upon which everything else is built. The key insights References.


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