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Leadership in school

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Stop Telling Your Employees What to Do - Jordan Cohen. By Jordan Cohen | 9:00 AM April 26, 2013 I will never forget the experiences of getting my first suit. I was 12 years old and my father took me to a department store on 18th street in New York City. I was very excited; this was the transition to feeling grown up. A real milestone. At the store, we headed straight downstairs to the boys department and I tried on several cream-colored suits (very mid-1970s Saturday Night Fever). For me, the experience was long and boring and not as exciting as I anticipated. This lesson of trusting the skill and experience of the professional has stayed with me. It turns out there is a scientific reason why employees are less effective when tasks are dictated. This neuroscience behind leadership came to a head when I was working with an aggressive start-up operation. What the leader failed to realize is that he was working with skilled and experienced professionals.

Identifying a school which is a learning organisation. Prime. National College for School Leadership. (3) The Enneagram Source. A Guide to Creating Learning Conversations: The Ask-Describe-Ask Formula. Developing Effective Feedback Approaches.