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UML tools

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The Elements of UML Style (Sigs Reference Library) (9780521525473): Scott W. Ambler. Diagram Software to draw Flowcharts, UML & more Online. Linux UML Tools. Used the Web as a source—mostly FreshMeat and Mario Jeckle’s excellent list Unified Modeling Language (UML) Tools.

Linux UML Tools

There are several utilities for converting UML to source without displaying it, and others for converting source code to UML as XML files—I haven’t listed all of them. I tried most of these tools. Many either didn’t work on my system, or were so complicated to install that I gave up. List of Unified Modeling Language tools. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Wikimedia list article This article compares UML tools.

List of Unified Modeling Language tools

UML tools for software development and modelling - Enterprise Architect UML modeling tool. Enterprise Architect - UML Design Tools and UML CASE tools for software development. Nomnoml - a new text-based UML tool. Guest post by Daniel Kallin talking about nomnoml (not only what it does but how is implemented and why he did it), our latest addition to the textual UML tools list).

Nomnoml - a new text-based UML tool

Enter Daniel. Hi. List of Executable UML tools. UML CASE tool for software development. UML and Modeling Tools. UML Tool for Fast UML Diagrams.