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Hillary’s Fatal Flaw: Biding Her Time « peacocks and lilies. Bill Clinton’s speech at the DNC told us something very important: He thinks Hillary’s best hope for 2016 is getting Barack Obama reelected. The Big Dawg came out and gave a stirring speech that was more an indictment of Republicans than it was supportive of Barack Obama. I hate to say it, but Bill Clinton is afraid. I suspect he knows exactly who Romney is and what he can bring to the country. He knows if Romney wins and governs as himself America will prosper, and there goes 2016. Based on this analysis, his and Hillary’s only hope is to keep their weak President in his place until she can run again. But here’s the thing about our friend Bill: He’s an excellent governor with great skill and lots of political genius, but his performance is always, always marked by his blind spots.

Bill, the Man from Hope, is a man of hope. Hillary has been biding her time since she was a child. They refused because a funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century. It’s over. Rate this: i Rate This. Powerful Men Talk More, Powerful Women Don't Because It Damages Their Likeability, Power, and Effectiveness. The depths of societies ingrained sexism -- and the degree to which successful women understand it is a fact of life that requires constant vigalance and adjustment -- never ceases to amaze and trouble me.

A new study in the Administrative Science Quarterly (Volume 56, pages 622-641) by Yale faculty member Victoria L. Brescoll presents a trio of studies that examine gender, power, and volubility (talking time). The headline above contains the upshot. Here are some details: 1. 2. 3. Pretty disturbing, huh? The question is -- what can be done about this problem? In any event, powerful women are often quite adept at finding ways to press their opinions without increasing their talking time. Thoughts? P.S. P.P.S A big thanks to Carol for sending me the cartoon, just perfect! POLL: What DO #Women Want? « peacocks and lilies. Why Time's cover shocks - Media Criticism. It’s going to be a long Mom War, people. In case you thought, nay, hoped, that the barrel-bottom had been fully scraped last week when the New York Times asked, in a query straight out of the Onion, “Has women’s obsession with being the perfect mother destroyed feminism?

,” now Time magazine has upped the ante with a cover story brazenly challenging “Are You Mom Enough?” It’s accompanied, by the way, by a picture of a hot blonde and her 3-year-old son standing on a chair to suckle her breast. Yo, take THAT, Room for Debate page! I guess Time felt it really had to bring it after uber-troll Katie Roiphe’s piece last month on why feminists just want a good spanking. In a feature on the not-at-all-incendiary subject of “why attachment parenting drives some mothers to extremes,” writer Kate Pickert takes on motherhood and its “guru,” attachment parenting author William Sears.

Sure, extended breast-feeding is unusual – and reliably controversial. #MommyWars: Letters from the Front « peacocks and lilies. In the wake of the Mommy Wars Redux, some interesting stuff is being written. Of note, two new letters out this week by mommy bloggers, which I think are perfect examples of the two sides of feminism battling for the hearts and minds of tomorrow’s feminist daughters. These letters articulate two points of view of the way things are, but surprisingly offer similar solutions for the future. This is where we can work together. But first, some excerpts. Traditional feminist letter, , by Mur Lafferty: Dear daughter- You should know that you are hated.

I’m not sure why they hate you. There is nothing worse than being a girl. </i>*} I’ve seen boys cry when injured. So. And here’s an excerpt from Melissa’s letter , from the blog Redefine Girly: I’m not going to teach my daughter that the world hates her. The post talks about the world hating its girls, from the moment they are born. Yes, she cried when she took her first breaths. The point is, we change the perspective. Like this: What Parity Brings « peacocks and lilies. Short answer: reform. And it works on both sides.

Check out this video from , a conservative women’s organization that was launched in February. From my point of view, this is HUGE. This is exactly what I mean by pushing for parity leading to reform. More women, no matter where they come from, change the game. This is representative of reform, folks, and that’s the point. Rate this: i Rate This Like this: One blogger likes this.