Ankita Singh
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अदालतों में प्रॉपर्टी विवाद व अन्य पारिवारिक विवाद के केस आते ही रहते हैं| मगर ये मामला बहुत ही अलग किस्म का था..!! एक 70 साल के बूढ़े व्यक्ति ने ,अपने 80 साल के बूढ़े भाई पर मुकद्दमा किया था| मुकद्दमा कुछ यूं था, “मेरा 80 साल का बड़ा भाई, अब बूढ़ा हो चला है, इसलिए वह खुद अपना ख्याल भी ठीक से नहीं रख सकता | मगर मेरे मना करने पर भी वह हमारी 110 साल की मां की देखभाल कर रहा है l मैं अभी ठीक हूं, इसलिए अब मुझे मां की सेवा करने का मौका दिया जाय और मां को मुझे सौंप दिया जाय”। न्यायाधीश महोदय का दिमाग घूम गया और मुक़दमा भी चर्चा में आ गया| न्यायाधीश महोदय ने दोनों भाइयों को समझाने की कोशिश की कि आप लोग 15-15 दिन रख लो..!!!
मगर कोई टस से मस नहीं हुआ, बड़े भाई का कहना था कि मैं अपने स्वर्ग को खुद से दूर क्यों होने दूँ |अगर मां कह दे कि उसको मेरे पास कोई परेशानी है या मैं उसकी देखभाल ठीक से नहीं करता, तो अवश्य छोटे भाई को दे दो..!!!! छोटा भाई कहता कि पिछले 40 साल से अकेले ये सेवा किये जा रहा है, आखिर मैं अपना कर्तव्य कब पूरा करूँगा..!!!!! Hindi Shayari. When Emotions of human changes in forms of the word then common people say it Shayari, some people believe Shayari is a small form of Poetry, Shayari is a rich tradition in India and overseas, Shayari has many languages like Hindi Shayari, Urdu Shayari, Punjabi Shayari, Nepali Shayari. per as per my opinion जब इंसान के जज़्बात शब्दो के रूप लेते है तो आम इंसान इसे शायरी or Shayari कहते है , और उस लफ्ज़ को बयान करने वाले को शायर कहते है , शायर अपने हालत के मोती को अपने ज़ज्बाते से पिरो कर शायरी बना देता है There are many famous and individual Shayari writers in India or over the world like Mirza Ghalib, Mirza Muhammad Rafi, munawwar rana, Kwaja Mir Dard, Iqbal, Firaq , rahat indori, Kumar vishas.
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Love Quotes Malayalam Love is the greatest emotions we experience as humans, it is a wonderful gift of God for every creature, love is a complete source of life, it doesn’t require any medium or language to express.
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How to Deal with a Break Up. Online Relationship Counseling. Self Confidence and Self Esteem. ONLINE GRIEF COUNSELING. Grief Counseling. "I need a Girlfriend" - Empowering Yourself. “I am 27 years old, engineer, successful for my age, well settled and caring yet I have never had anyone to care for; I have added so many hearts and flowers kind of gifts to my Archies Cart yet I have never had anyone to gift them to; I have eaten at so many restaurants and visited so many places which I have wanted to revisit with someone special yet I have never in my entire life had someone to take with me.
I have been trying for such a long time but no matter how hard I try I haven’t found the One. Is it so hard to find someone to support me? My friends, cousins, even my juniors at work have someone wonderful waiting for them, Why am I alone?” Many of us have felt lonely, unloved, not cared for at least once without knowing why or what we could do to find the person we connect with here’s 14 reasons why you may be finding it difficult to find a partner and what you can do so you have someone special who makes you feel loved and cared for. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ONLINE COUPLES COUNSELLING. Avail Upto 20% Discount on Mother’s Day. Get Deals & Discounts on Online Counselling. Get Deals & Discounts on Online Counselling. Online Chat & Phone Counselling. Online Chat & Phone Counselling. Expert Advice Online. How to Handle Difficult Conversations. How to Handle Difficult Conversations. What is Separation Anxiety and How to Cope-Up with Separation Anxiety.
How to Enhance Confidence & Communication. Corporate wellness program by betterLYF. Self Worth And Self Growth Steps. Self Worth And Self Growth – Underlying most of the emotional challenges we face, from depression to relationship problems, is the struggle for self-love.
When we don’t feel worthy and can’t accept our flaws and weaknesses, we either shove down our feelings (which manifests in depression and anxiety), or we express them in unhealthy ways (through anger, passive-aggressive behaviours, or dysfunction). We’ve forgotten how to trust ourselves and rely on our own beliefs and judgments. Instead, we look to others to build us up and manufacture our self-esteem. If others don’t like the person we are, we struggle to become someone else who meets the world’s approval.
Also, we get trapped in “the negativity bias,” an evolutionary adaptation in which we pay much more attention to negative beliefs and events than positive. Top 10 Steps for Self Worth And Self Growth Step #1. Step #2. “One of the happiest moments ever, is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.” Step #3. Grief help. Tips to Avoid a Breakup. Identity Crisis. "The deepest bond that you will ever share, is the one that you share with yourself. " - Anon At some point in our lives, we must have had people tell us - 'Only you know yourself the best'; or, 'Nobody can know you as much as you know yourself'.
It is common for people particularly in their teens or growth and development phase to yet be in the process of finding themselves, and discovering who they truly are while undergoing their own set of challenges during those times. How to overcome loneliness? Online Therapy By BetterLYF. Online counseling. Happy Seeder. Couple Counseling. HARVESTER. Tractor trailer. Achieve positive and healthy communication between parents and children.
Stress Help. Corporate wellness program. How counseling Helps. Farm Machine Power Tiller by fieldking. Online Counselling by BetterLYF. FRIENDSHIP COUNSELING. Dating and Relationship Challenges. How to Support Loved one to get over Depression. Why Women Empowerment is Important. Trypophobia. Fear vs Phobia– Fear is the normal response to danger, while phobias are characterised by excessive, unconscious, and persistent fear that constantly triggers anxiety.
Therefore, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5, phobias receive the name of specific phobias and are classified according to their trigger. A particular type of phobia, known as Trypophobia refers to a pathological fear of, or aversion to, clusters of concave objects (holes) or objects reminiscent of clusters of holes. Fear of holes- Trypophobia is a term coined by internet users in 2005. About 16% of people have trypophobia according to a study in Psychological Research. It is the fear to cluster of holes of any variety that possesses no threat.
A study in 1942 revealed that not only clusters of holes but also clusters of other objects such as eyes and faces induce aversive reactions. Specific phobias, such as trypophobia, have the following characteristics: Agriculture Implements By Fieldking. Tips for Effective Time Management to Increase Your Daily Productivity. Become a Dealer. Tractor Harrow for Sale. Do I Need Counselling? We say, I’m strong enough I can handle it I have friends and family And I’m absolutely not going crazy.
There lie so many emotions and thoughts behind "I’m fine", so much of holding up behind the smile. Ever wonder why? It’s sad, but we grew up NOT treating mind as a part of our body. Counseling is for ANYONE, for EVERYONE who may be bothered by a short term, temporary tough phase. Fear Of Holes. Grief counseling. Marriage Counseling. Marriage is a big change in a woman's life as they have to adjust in a completely new family and take many new responsibilities.
These responsibilities could be anticipated ones or some which are entirely unlooked for which become redundant with a course of time depending on the level of comfort and acceptance they have towards these duties. The Trouble With Modern Marriage. There are many issues with modern marriage today.
We live in a world in which family breakdown is more the norm than the exception. Divorce and illegitimacy are widespread. Tons of suggestions are being published on how to update the traditional family model. The Trouble With Modern Marriage Married life has changed a lot. How Does a Breakup Feel? How does a break up feels?
When a serious relationship breaks, psychologically our natural response to it is very similar to that for a traumatic event. The period post breakup is full of blurry visions of the future and absolutely no energy to be mindful of the present. We experience emotions like guilt, denial, confusion, shock, grief, anger and many more that we at times try to resist and at times get drowned in them. Being in a relationship entails a sense of belongingness to a person and getting accustomed to a life with them in it.
Hence, coming out of a relationship is followed by a natural period of grieving that is almost certain to last for some time in every individual’s case. Deal With Panic Attacks Know Its Symptoms, Causes and Cure. Panic attack treatment is not easy. Panic attacks are episodes of intense fear and discomfort that reach a peak within a few minutes where the person experiences the following physical characteristics: Panic Attack Symptoms Severe AnxietyPounding HeartPalpitationsChoking SensationDizzinessSweatingTremblingA sensation of heart attackFear of dying Panic attacks usually last from 5 to 20 minutes and typically reach their peak level of intensity in 10 minutes or less and then begin to subside.
Recently, Zoya Akhtar, a film director opened up about her biggest challenge i.e experiencing panic attacks. Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers FIELDKING. Online Relationship Counseling. How to Deal with Marriage Stress. Relationship counselling. How to break up & how to survive after breakup. Depression counselling. Trypophobia Causes, Meaning, Disease. Women Empowerment Quotes. How to Avoid a Breakup. Plough – The Primary Tillage Implement – Fieldking. How Couples Therapy Can Save Your Relationship? How couples therapy can save your relationship? Ok, you are here to know the answer to the question. So before we begin First let me tell you about couples therapy so you can understand better. Couple therapy is a form of mental therapy used to identify relationship issues and provide appropriate methods to resolve them for both individuals and couples.
The goal of couples therapy is to re-establish a healthier level of working in duos who experience relationship crisis. In every relationship, couples love and fight with each other but some times fights increases and it seems not gonna stop by yourself. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you still have your inquiries on how counseling helps, Then you should visit online counseling. Very little is needed to make a happy life; It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. - Agriculture Machine: Advantages of Ploughing the Soil. Ploughing used to be exercised to turn over the soil suppress weeds and consolidate manures. When it comes to nutrient the soil, ploughing help to do that. Here are the top advantages of ploughing the soil. 1.
Ploughing improves air circulation, so that route can respire easily. 2. 3. How To Deal With A Breakup Pain? Break up, One of the most challenging situations in life faced by many couples. Effects of a break up can be disastrous because you are going to have a tough time not thinking about your ex, you will be moaning more, and you will be sad.
If you are having a hard time and want to deal with breakup then you should read this. Tips For Having a Great Relationship.