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In this condition, the small brain (cerebellum) gets displaced (herniation) downward through an opening at the base of the skull. This results in a disturbance in the normal flow of the fluid which circulates in the brain and the spine. (The fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid.) This is a type 2 Chiari malformation which was named in the honor of Austrian pathologist Chiari and German pathologist Julius Arnold. Type 1 Chiari malformation is a deformity by birth which involves disorders of connective tissue.
Causes 1) Idiopathic: The cause of its occurrence still remains unknown. 2) Congenital: Hydrocephalus (collection of fluid in the skull), vitamin D resistant rickets, neurofibromatosis type 1. 3) Acquired: Post-trauma (Whiplash injury to head) Signs and Symptoms It gives rise to many pressure symptoms as follows: Acanthosis Nigricans: Know Everything About Acanthosis Nigricans From Diet To Cure. Introduction: Acanthosis nigricans is a skin disorder which is characterized by dark, thick patchy skin having a velvety smooth texture that is most commonly observed in the folds of skin.
Even though acanthosis is not a disease, it can be a symptom resulting due to certain underlying causes and preexisting conditions. Most often, people who are dark skinned, obese, and who sweat profusely suffer from this condition. It is commonly seen in the folds of skin, and the most commonly affected areas are as below: Around Lips Neck Armpits Elbows Groins Knees Knuckles Practically, the affected persons do not suffer from any discomfort as there is no itching involved, but patients are more concerned due to cosmetic reasons.
In severe cases, the skin may look leathery, very thick like that of elephant skin. Causes and risk factors Some of the prominent causes and risk factors that may make you suffer from Acanthosis nigricans are: Diagnosis. Molluscum Contagiosum: Homeopathic Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Spread & Diagnosis. More illustrative Molluscum contagiosum (contagiosa) is a commonly found skin infection, especially among children, which looks like small, pearl shaped, pinkish white eruptions on skin.
It is a viral infection. It is also found in adults who are immunodeficient due to some reason. The infection is most common between the age of one to ten years. Molluscum Contagiosum can affect any area on the body but is usually observed on the face, arms and legs. Acromegaly: Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis & Homeopathic Treatment. Introduction: Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder, due to excess secretion of growth hormone (GH) and occurs in middle-aged adults.
This hormone is normally secreted by the 'Pituitary', a gland situated deep within the brain. Whenever there is increased secretion of GH, the clinical condition is called acromegaly (meaning enlarged extremities). A similar excess occurring if occurring in childhood causes the condition 'gigantism'. Ingrowing Toenails (Onychocryptosis) An ingrown toe nail is one of the most painful conditions of the toes.
When the edges of the nails grow into the skin of the toes it causes pain, swelling of the toe, pus formation and infection of the nails. This condition is mostly seen in adults and adolescents. Causes of Ingrown Toenails: Common factors that cause ingrown toenails are as follows. Non-Healing Ulcers Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Homeopathic Treatment. Definition: Any Non-healing wound or ulcer on skin that has been present for 3-4 weeks duration, without healing is called Non-healing ulcer.
Causes: Some of the major causes are listed under: Vascular congestion Infection (mostly due to resistant bacteria) Poor nutritional Diabetes mellitus Some systemic disease such as SLE (Systemic Lupus) Unknown causes. What is Chalazion: Everything You Want to Know About Chalazion. A chalazion is generally painless, slowly enlarging nodule on the eyelid formed by inflammation of the meibomian glands.
It is basically a chronic granulomatous enlargement of the meibomian glands of the eye-lid. The meibomian glands in the eyelid serve the purpose of lubricating the margins of the eyelids, by producing a layer of the tear. Due to acute or subacute inflammation of the eyelid, which may be due to a stye, there occurs an obstruction of the duct of the meibomian gland, leading to retention of the tears and swelling of the lid. For more photos on Chalazion click,>> Chalazion Photos << In most cases, a chalazion may appear after a stye. Disease progression of a chalazion leads to a painless granuloma that may be disfiguring cosmetically.
Arnold Chiari malformation. Bowen's Disease: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes and Homeopathy Scope. What is Bowen's disease?
Bowen's disease is a form of cancer, which was found by Dr John Bowen. It is a type of Squamous Cell cancer of skin. What causes Bowen's disease? This cancerous disease may be caused by damage to skin due to exposure to sunlight, some chemicals such as Arsenic, and contact with some virus such as HPV (Human papillomavirus), or due to compromised immune system due to any major disease such as HIV infection.
What are the symptoms of Bowen's disease? Bowen's disease can affect males and females, more after the age of 60 years; but could occur anytime. Bipolar Mood Disorder: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Homeopathic Treatment. The extreme change in moods is becoming an increasingly common problem.
Medically, it is called Bipolar mood disorder is one kind of psychological disorder which is generally characterized by the extreme and intense swing in one’s behavior and moods like changes of mood from excessive joy or hilarity (manic) to extreme or deepest sadness or despondency (depression). This kind of intense change in the mood generally comes or appears in a cyclic and phasic manner, which can last for few days to even for months. Causes of bipolar mood disorder The causes of Bipolar Mood Disorder may not be understood in all cases.
There are some internal and external (circumstances) factors. Symptoms of Bipolar mood disorder. Bell's Palsy (facial paralysis) Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Complication and Homeopathic Treatment. Facial paralysis also called a Bell's palsy, is a condition where one of the sides of the face meets with paralysis.
Bell's palsy is a self-resolving condition having partial or complete weakness of the facial muscles. Usually, one side of the face is affected. Two hundred years ago, Sir Charles Bell first detailed a condition which causes weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. The Facial Nerve originating in the brain (in the pons) controls the muscles of the forehead, neck and facial expressions.
Nekam's Disease: Homeopathic Treatment, Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis. Cellulitis Treatment, Causes, Symptoms & Homeopathic Treatment. Introduction: Cellulitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the connective tissue of the skin, caused by infection with a type of bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus or other bacteria). Cellulitis frequently occurs on exposed areas of the body such as the arms, legs, and face.
It is characterized by redness, swelling, warmth and pain or tenderness. The swelling can spread rapidly. Myopia: Homeopathic Treatment, Causes & Prevention. Myopia is known as nearsightedness in common parlance. People suffering from myopia can see near objects clearly and have a problem viewing distant objects which appear blurred and with less clarity.Myopia has high prevalence in Asian countries up to 80-90% as compared to 30-40% in European countries and the United States, and 10-20% in Africa. Research has proved a relationship between myopia and high IQ.Combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors like near sighted work like reading, computer games, watching TV is one of the reasons for myopia.
Causes: Myopia is caused due to change in the curvature of the lens of the eye due to weakening of eye muscles. Aplastic Anemia: Causes & Homeopathic Treatment. Definition: Aplastic anemia is a rare (5-10 cases per million), a serious condition where the bone marrow fails to produce white cells, red cells, and the platelets. Aplastic anemia is observed in children as well as in adults. The term Aplastic comes from the word aplasia that means failure of generation or formation. Anemia means a deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood. The spongy material inside the bones is called as bone marrow and is like a factory that produces blood cells (red cells, white cells and platelets). Ataxia: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment. Ataxia is more of a symptom rather than a disease. Ataxia in Greek means "out of order" or "loss of balance". Ataxia is a common neurological symptom which makes patient feels insecure due loss of control while doing day-to-day activities.
Ataxia is lack of muscle coordination due to the small brain's (cerebellum) failure to regulate the body's posture, regulate its strength and direct the limb movements, thus resulting into wobbliness or clumsiness. Ataxia may affect the fingers and hands, the extremities, the entire body, speech or even the eye movements. A person with a long-standing ataxia may have damaged a part of the brain (cerebellum) that controls muscle coordination. Incidence: Nutritional Anemia: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes & Homeopathic Treatment. Anemia is the most common of all blood disorders.
The term anemia (derived from Greek) means a deficiency of blood. Anemia results from reduced red blood cell production in the bone marrow. Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying protein in blood. It is a major component of all red blood cells and gives them their red color. This protein picks up oxygen from the lungs, carries it throughout the body and delivers it to all your cells. Cells need oxygen for their basic functions and to keep them alive. Frequent Colds Causes: Triggering & Causative Factors of Rhinitis. Why do you think you or your child or someone you care for, get colds?
Why do these people get colds much more than others who might have an occasional cold? Frequent colds results from one or more of the following causative and triggering factors: Multiple Myeloma & its Homeopathic Treatment. Autism: Homeopathic Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Diet. Causes of Migraine: Physical, Environmental, Emotional & Dietary Factors. The exact cause of migraine is not understood in totality. It is caused by a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system which may be triggered by environmental factors or changes in the body itself.
Migraine tends to run in families which shows that genetics has a role to play in the development of migraine. Lichen Planus Treatment: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment for Lichen Planus in Mumbai, Pune. Appendicitis: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Homeopathic Treatment. Appendicitis is a common medico-surgical condition. Appendicitis is nothing but an inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a small pouch attached to the beginning of the large intestine in the right lower part of the abdomen.
Function of appendix is still not understood; but it is largely considered to be almost a useless body organ. It is one of the most common causes of emergency abdominal surgery in order to avoid rupture of the appendix into the abdomen. Ataxia: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment.
Hypertension: Homeopathic Treatment, Causes & Diagnosis. Homeopathic Remedies for Vertigo (Dizziness) Treatment. Aplastic Anemia: Causes & Homeopathic Treatment. Keloid: Homeopathic Treatment, Causes & Symptoms. Alopecia Areata Curability Test - Ask Dr. Shah. Alopecia Areata Curability Test. Curability Test for Hair Loss: Check Recovery Chances. Hair Fall Curability Test The Hair Fall curability test is an on-line test to suggest a possibility of help with homeopathy. The criteria for the test in the form of a series of simple questions, have been determined to suggest the chances of improvement with regard to the Hair Fall disorder.
This test has been designed by Dr. Rajesh Shah, after having treated innumerable cases of patients from world over. What are Homeopathic Medicines ? What your doctor wont tell you about homeopathy. Homeopathy Myths and Facts - Explained by Dr Rajesh Shah. Alzheimer's Disease: Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Homeopathic. Homeopathic Treatment for Breast Cancer. Homeopathic Treatment: Remedies & Medicine for Piles (Hemorrhoids) What is Anxiety Disorder: General Presentation about Anxiety Neurosis. Homeopathic Treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis. Psoriatic Arthritis. What is Ankylosing Spondylitis: Sites Affected in Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) What is Chalazion: Everything You Want to Know About Chalazion. What Increases Your Risk For Developing Vitiligo? What is Hepatitis C? How Does One Gets Hepatitis C? Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Prevalence, Nature of Condition & IBS Effect on Life. Frequent Colds (Rhinitis) Thyroid Gland: Shape, Size, Where is it Situated & Function of Thyroid Gland.
Skin itchiness. How To Prevent Childhood Obesity? Backache Treatment, Causes, Homeopathic Remedies and Medicines. Hair Loss: Normal Hair Fall & Hair Normal Growth Cycle. Let us together find a solution at. What is Migraine & Different Types of Migraine (One Sided Headache) What is Asthmatic Bronchitis? Explanation for Childhood Asthma by Dr Rajesh Shah. Homeopathic Medicine for Neck Pain & Cervical Spondylosis.
Best homeopathic medicine for asthma with 100% effective result. Is Fatty Liver A Serious Condition? Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Visit. Homeopathic remedies for ADHD & treatment with homeopathy. Homeopathic remedy for acne & Homeopathic treatment for pimples. Facts About Careprost Eyelash Serum. Does your child have learning disorder like Vihan ? If yes, there is no need to panic. Read more related information here. PCOD - Causes, Symptoms, Diet & Treatment for PCOD In 2018.