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New Housing Development SPD - Assessing Context, Local Character and Density - a Methodology. Part 3 Detailed Guidance for New Development - Design Response Assessing Context, Local Character and Density - a Methodology Detailed analysis and establishing Local Distinctiveness 3.1 Where a potential development site is located in the context of the broad character areas identified in section 6 the Council will require developers to consider the appropriate design response to the defining characteristics of that area. 3.2 This will require a detailed assessment of the proposal considering the impact of proposed housing on the existing residential / mixed use area. The over arching aim is to ensure that local distinctiveness and character is maintained and to make the most efficient use of land, whilst allowing for high quality contemporary and innovative design. 3.3 To be able to carry this out in a consistent and transparent manner it is necessary to: 3.4 The seven areas identified are: Distinguishing Characteristics: 3.9 Development criteria: Development criteria: Characteristics:

Ranska. Rules Structure and Technical Aspects Targeting Diversity French housing is having similarities with Finnish one if one considers the basic production both in public and private market. In both case, the regulations, constructive and structural culture as well as planning traditions lead to the existence of a typology which is repeated. This situation can also reflect a lack of feed back of inhabitants needs on producers. In France, the growing alternatives to consider and offer a diverse range of typologies prove that the diversification of the market demand is taken into account. Also, there are been many attempts in the last decades to allow participation of inhabitants in planning of their apartments.Differences emerge due to different context and though inform us about specificity and potentials in Finnish context as well as alternatives.

Annexe will present plans studies Apartments typologies fall in two categories: conventional and original. Rules Structure and Construction. HousingTypologies-contemporary. Design for Homes - Design for Homes. Housing Prototypes: Chateau des Rentiers Apts. Chateau des Rentiers Apts. Tower, corner. The siting of modernist slabs on irregular sites often resulted in odd-shaped leftover parcels that were either to small for economical development or rendered virtually uninhabitable because of the formidable blank end walls of the typical residential slab. This unusual, 10 story, point-access, triangular slab was built on such an impossible site, complicated further because it was located at the acute angle of a difficult street intersection.

Backing up to the blank north wall of the end of a 13 story 1960's slab, the building mass steps down from this wall to the point of the triangle facing the intersection. The diagonal lobby that aligns with Rue Jean Colly along the north side of the site has small square windows overlooking a small park to the north as do the kitchen windows of the apartments. Jean Michel Hoyet, Contemporary Architecture in Paris, Tech. & Arch., Paris, 1996, p. 83.