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An Anthropology of Algorithms. Why you cannot reverse engineer Google’s algorithm. To the Kind Souls at Warrior Forum Some people just cannot seem to learn what it means when Google says “We made 400+ algorithm changes last year!” There was a time, many years ago, when you could design a simple Web document, submit it to a search engine, and evaluate how the search engine processed the document. Suche. Semantische Suchmaschinen - Wie Computer den Sinn einer Frage verstehen. Wie Computer den Sinn einer Frage verstehen Von Jochen Steiner.

Semantische Suchmaschinen - Wie Computer den Sinn einer Frage verstehen

Das menschliche Scheitern an einer scheinbar übermächtigen Technologie - Miriam Meckel "Next Erinnerungen an eine. Miriam Meckel: "Next.

Das menschliche Scheitern an einer scheinbar übermächtigen Technologie - Miriam Meckel "Next Erinnerungen an eine

Die Versklavung durch Bits und Bytes - Florian Felix Weyh "Toggle" Galiani Berlin. Florian Felix Weyh: "Toggle", Galiani Berlin, 428 Seiten "Kommunismus ist Oligarchenmacht plus Digitalisierung": Im Roman will ein Russe Google und Facebook fusionieren.

Die Versklavung durch Bits und Bytes - Florian Felix Weyh "Toggle" Galiani Berlin

(picture alliance / dpa / Oliver Berg) In dem Thriller von Florian F. Weyh wird die zunehmende Erfassung unserer Lebenswelt durch das Netz zum paranoiden Szenario ausbaut. Ein streckenweise arg spekulatives, grundsätzlich aber unterhaltsames Buch. Wer bei den Empfehlungen von Facebook und Google schon immer ein mulmiges Gefühl hatte - woher wissen die, welche Musik ich höre, welche Filme ich mag oder welche Menschen mir nahestehen? Man könnte das Buch einen Dokuroman mit fantastischen Momenten nennen: Alle Institutionen des World Wide Web kommen in leicht verschlüsselter Form zum Tragen. Galiani, das war ein neapolitanischer Nationalkökonom des 18.

Gibt es denn gar keine Guten in diesem Szenario? Besprochen von Daniel Haas. Verbotene Algorithmen - Software für automatischen Börsenhandel in der. Semantische Suchmaschinen - Wie Computer den Sinn einer Frage verstehen. Der Algorithmus bei dem man mit muss? - Über die Kehrseite der digitalen. Über die Kehrseite der digitalen Automatisierung Von Matthias Martin Becker Teilweise treffen Maschinen schon Entscheidungen.

Der Algorithmus bei dem man mit muss? - Über die Kehrseite der digitalen

(Stock.XCHNG / Müjde Yavuz) "Nicht blind den Zahlen vertrauen" - Mathematiker Albrecht Beutelsbacher über den. Mathematiker Albrecht Beutelsbacher über den Einfluss von Formeln auf unsere Welt Moderation: Liane von Billerbeck.

"Nicht blind den Zahlen vertrauen" - Mathematiker Albrecht Beutelsbacher über den

Software ist nicht intelligent genug - Schufa Facebook und das Durchleuchten von. Schufa, Facebook und das Durchleuchten von Daten Von Wolfgang Noelke, freier Autor Software ist laut des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts auch in ferner Zukunft nicht in der Lage, anhand eines Textes dessen Inhalt zu erkennen.

Software ist nicht intelligent genug - Schufa Facebook und das Durchleuchten von

(picture alliance / dpa) Erschreckend klingt es schon, wenn die Schufa, jenes Institut also, das unter anderem unsere Kreditwürdigkeit bewertet, für diesen Zweck künftig Texte der Mitglieder sozialer Netzwerke, wie Facebook und Twitter auswerten soll. Die Angst, künftig keinen Kredit zu bekommen, weil man sich via Facebook oder Twitter irgendwann einmal zum Beispiel mit einem ehemaligen Betrüger über den Inhalt eines Fernsehkrimis austauschte, wäre in diesem Fall verständlich, besonders dann, wenn behauptet wird, dass das renommierte Hasso-Plattner-Institut für diesen Zweck eine Software entwickeln soll.

An diesem Problem scheitern bis heute selbst Polizei und Geheimdienste. The Filter Bubble. Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles". Das vorgefilterte Netz - Eli Pariser "Filter Bubble - Wie wir im. Eli Pariser: "Filter Bubble - Wie wir im Internet entmündigt werden", Hanser Verlag, München 2012, 288 Seiten Eli Pariser meint, die Suchmaschinen finden für uns vor allem, was wir eh schon wissen.

Das vorgefilterte Netz - Eli Pariser "Filter Bubble - Wie wir im

(picture alliance / dpa - Karl-Josef Hildenbrand) Bringt googlen tatsächlich immer mehr Informationen? Der amerikanische Netzaktivist Eli Pariser bezweifelt das. Die Filtermechanismen von Suchmaschinen und sozialen Netzwerken blenden seiner Meinung nach Themen aus, die relevant, aber zu komplex sind. The Filter Bubble. Table of Contents — November 2011, 28 (6) Conflicting Codes and Codings. How Algorithmic Trading Is Reshaping Financial Regulation Abstract. A New Algorithmic Identity. Soft Biopolitics and the Modulation of Control Abstract Marketing and web analytic companies have implemented sophisticated algorithms to observe, analyze, and identify users through large surveillance networks online.

A New Algorithmic Identity

American Culture Faculty. CS 161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Course Description Course Overview: Introduction to fundamental techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms, including asymptotic analysis; divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrences; greedy algorithms; data structures; dynamic programming; graph algorithms; and randomized algorithms.

CS 161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Required textbook: Kleinberg and Tardos, Algorithm Design, 2005. We will be covering most of Chapters 4–6, some parts of Chapter 13, and a couple of topics not in the book. Prerequisites: Introduction to proofs, and discrete mathematics and probability (e.g., CS 103 and Stat116). If you have not taken a probability course, you should expect to do some independent reading during the course on topics including random variables, expectation, conditioning, and basic combinatorics.

We apologize for the poor audio quality in this video. 5. The Open Source Culture of the Flame Algorithm. Benefits and Choices. OpenSAL Libraries Provide a Foundation for Significant Performance Improvements Programmers are faced with several choices when writing applications where scientific math algorithms and functions are required.

Benefits and Choices

They can develop the capability themselves, integrate the functions tightly with their application and target compute engine, or utilize industry-proven tools to achieve repeatable results that reduce risk. Each project has its own constraints, but, more often than not, your company’s core expertise is not in creating compute-engine scientific algorithm Library optimizations. Mercury Computer Systems has been a leader in this area for over twenty years as a core competency expertise. Algorithms. Preamble[edit] This book aims to be an accessible introduction into the design and analysis of efficient algorithms. Throughout the book we will introduce only the most basic techniques and describe the rigorous mathematical methods needed to analyze them. The topics covered include: The Open Algorithm.

A fourth “r” for 21st century literacy - The Answer Sheet. This was written by Cathy N. Davidson, a Duke University professor, self-described “technopragmatist,” and author of Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. By Cathy N. Davidson. Power (philosophy) In social science and politics, power is the ability to influence or control the behavior of people. The term authority is often used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure. Power can be seen as evil or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings. In the corporate environment, power is often expressed as upward or downward. With downward power, a company's superior influences subordinates. Sociology of algorithms. The algorithmic representation of need. Neal Thomas. Log in | Participants' Backstage Neal Thomas Neal Thomas is an assistant professor of communication studies at UNC Chapel Hill.

With interests that lie at the intersection of social computing and social theory, his recent work focuses on web 2.0 techniques and their capacity to produce discursive rationality, reading the computer user as both experiential and ideological subject in this light. The algorithmic representation of need Jun 24, 2012 Technology writers and media philosophers alike have spent time considering a rather candid remark by Google’s former CEO Eric Schmidt, made in an August, 2010 interview. Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged algorithms, Google, socio-technical systems, sociology of algorithms, technical_epistemologies | Comments Off. Can an algorithm be wrong? Twitter Trends, the specter of censorship, and our faith in the algorithms around us. The interesting question is not whether Twitter is censoring its Trends list. Scrutiny » Facebook, Google, and the surprisingly intricate curation of what’s online.

Michael Zimmer offers an excellent discussion of this week’s controversy regarding Facebook’s removal of an image of two men kissing. I want to put this up next to the recent article by Mike Ananny in the The Atlantic, where he interrogates the possible reasons why, when he went to load the gay social networking app Grindr, Google’s App Market ‘recommended’ an app that tracks sex offenders. As we begin to unravel how and why content platforms and app stores make curatorial decisions about the content they provide, we are asking the kinds of questions both Zimmer and Ananny ask about these instances. Are we looking at the result of a human intervention or an algorithmic one? (Is it even possible or productive to draw this distinction so clearly?) Was this intentional or accidental? Facebook’s Censorship Problem. (This piece has been cross-posted in The Huffington Post. Technology - Mike Ananny - The Curious Connection Between Apps for Gay Men and Sex Offenders. Reckless associations can do very real harm when they appear in supposedly neutral environments like online stores As I was installing Grindr on my Android phone yesterday, I scrolled down to take a look at the list of "related" and "relevant" applications.

My jaw dropped. There, first on the list, was "Sex Offender Search," a free application created by Life360 that lets you "find sex offenders near you and protect your child ... so you can keep your family safe. " I was flabbergasted. Tarleton Gillespie. What is an Algorithm? For close to two years now I’ve been blogging about “algorithmic culture” — the use of computational processes to sort, classify, and hierarchize people, places, objects, and ideas. Since I began there’s been something of a blossoming of work on the topic, including a recent special issue of the journal Theory, Culture and Society on codes and codings (see, in particular, the pieces by Amoore on derivatives trading and Cheney-Lippold on algorithmic identity).

There’s also some excellent work developing around the idea of “algorithmic literacies,” most notably by Tarleton Gillespie and Cathy Davidson. Tarleton’s recent piece here on Culture Digitally, “Can an Algorithm Be Wrong?” Is a major touchstone as well. Needless to say, I’m pleased to have found some fellow travelers. Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī. Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī[note 1][pronunciation?] (Arabic: عَبْدَالله مُحَمَّد بِن مُوسَى اَلْخْوَارِزْمِي‎), earlier transliterated as Algoritmi or Algaurizin, (c. 780 – c. 850) was a Persian[1][5] mathematician, astronomer and geographer during the Abbasid Empire, a scholar in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.

Ted Striphas (striphas) sur Twitter. Algorithmic Literacies - THE LATE AGE OF PRINT. Siva Vaidhyanathan. Cultural Informatics - THE LATE AGE OF PRINT. How Twitter's Trending Algorithm Picks Its Topics. Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world.