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The 7 Best Neighborhoods in Portland. Dave Knows Portland — Portland Neighborhoods. Portland Monthly. 37 Things to Consider Before Moving to Portland. From the logging towns of Oregon to the hipster bars of Brooklyn, people dream of moving to Portland, Oregon.

37 Things to Consider Before Moving to Portland

Drawn like moths to the flame of craft beer and environmental sustainability, these aspiring transplants dream of a utopia of low home prices and artistic opportunity. However, only a select few of those will actually make the trek, and even fewer will find work, grow handlebar mustaches, and start their own food cart. Is Portland for everyone?

Hardly, but the Portland myth, perpetuated by the New York Times and others, does sound incredibly tempting. What I like best about living in Portland. I just finished living in Portland for about six weeks.

What I like best about living in Portland

Now I’m in Seattle. I’m experimenting with living in different West Coast cities for a few weeks at a time — maybe I’ll choose one of them as a place to live in the future. I visited Portland once for a about a week a few years ago (attending a conference for work), and I really liked it.