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Movies to Watch in 2014. Series & Movies.

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A navalha na carne, da obra de Plínio Marcos. Dom, 19/01/2014 - 12:37 Atualizado em 19/01/2014 - 12:38 Por Jota A. Uma feminista cansada. Watch Laurence Olivier, Liv Ullmann and Christopher Plummer’s Classic Polaroid Ads. Before Urban Outfitters and Project Impossible, before the adorable bickering ubiquity of spokespeople James Garner and Mariette Hartley, Polaroid kept things classy by entrusting its reputation to the most serious of serious actors.

Watch Laurence Olivier, Liv Ullmann and Christopher Plummer’s Classic Polaroid Ads

Take Laurence Olivier. Who else could have made the phrase “Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera” sound like Shakespeare? Seriously. Juanita Moore Dead at 99; starred in Imitation of Life.