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The Green Card – A Guest Lesson by Neil McMillan. A designer lessons ESL lesson plan developed by Neil McMillan Neil McMillan is a TESOL teacher and teacher trainer from Perth, Scotland.

The Green Card – A Guest Lesson by Neil McMillan

He can often be found in the staffroom surrounded by trainee teachers furiously scribbling in notebooks, faces awestruck, pencils shortening. When he’s not teaching you’ll find him DJ-ing or talking to his cat. The Green Card A2-B2 A group role-play task to practise present simple routines and personal information, question forms, reported speech using the past simple and writing skills.

Length: 1hr – 1hr 30 This game is a variation on the well-worn Alibi but allows for practice with tenses more commonly learned at elementary/pre-intermediate stage. Stage 1. The Wreck of the Beautiful. Simple past songs. Of Monsters And Men - King And Lionheart (with lyrics on screen) Bastille - Things we lost in the fire (Lyrics)

Dire Straits - Telegraph Road [COMPLETE STUDIO VERSION] Gotye - Thanks For Your Time. Check your English vocabulary for business and administration- aroma.… Architecture-vocabulary.pdf. Dwi Nurwi's blog :): Vocabulary Around the House.


Irregular Verbs pronunciation. Animated English: May 2015. Speakout: Video Podcasts Elementary. Speakout: Video Podcasts Intermediate. Matt Damon Asked A Cheery 13-Year-Old What She'll Do With Her Free Time. Her Answer Devastated Him. The English Blog. Learn Languages for Free with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch.

World Conker Championships opens at Northamptonshire village venue - BBC News. Competitors from 15 countries are taking part in the 47th World Conker Championships in Northamptonshire.

World Conker Championships opens at Northamptonshire village venue - BBC News

The competition, not held for two years because of bad weather, has moved to the village of Southwick near Oundle, from nearby Ashton. The event traditionally takes place on the second Sunday in October each year. "A team from Venezuela is taking part and women will compete directly against men for the first time," St John Burkett, one of the organisers, said. Tesco: ugly and misshapen fruit and veg will go on special offer. Tesco boss blames customers for food waste. Retail giant threw away 30,000 tonnes of food in the first half of this year Supermarket boss blames UK customers for ‘always pick the cream of the crop’Researchers found up to two thirds of supermarket food was wasted By Jason Groves, Chief Political Correspondent Published: 23:32 GMT, 10 December 2013 | Updated: 10:07 GMT, 11 December 2013 Fussy shoppers are a major cause of food waste, Tesco claimed yesterday.

Tesco boss blames customers for food waste

The supermarket giant said UK customers ‘always pick the cream of the crop’, forcing it to bin thousands of tons of old or misshapen produce. Its Eastern European customers are, by contrast, more willing to accept less than perfect food. What is Train Spotting? (with pictures) These 'Human' Sculptures Are Enough To Make Your Skin Crawl. Artists are often eager to push the boundary between perceptions of the beautiful and the grotesque.

These 'Human' Sculptures Are Enough To Make Your Skin Crawl

From Francis Bacon to Jenny Saville, art history is full of figures whose work floats along some strange compendium beginning with the picturesque and ending with the utterly horrific. Viewers are often left with their heads atilt, pondering where the appealing drops off and the terrifying oozes out. "Handheld" by UK-based artist Jessica Harrison is one such series. Presenting a series of sculptures that seem to have been constructed from human flesh, the project is simultaneously a collection of startling images and a strangely alluring exploration of body and space. Armchair, 2009, Mixed Media, 8cm x 7cm x 6cm Table, 2009, Mixed Media, 6cm x 8cm x 5cm. The world's weirdest festivals. The Biggest, Fattest, Hairiest World Records Of 2013. By definition, world records are pretty weird.

The Biggest, Fattest, Hairiest World Records Of 2013

Someone or something does something that has never been done before. But some world records are weirder than others, such as the one set by the guy who squirted milk out of his eye. This past year, HuffPost Weird News went to great lengths, not just to cover the weird records, but to tell the stories of the people who set them. Freeganism Definition. DEFINITION of 'Freeganism' Freeganism is a lifestyle philosophy focused on adopting alternative means to satisfy needs in order to minimize dependence on what is termed the "conventional economy.

Freeganism Definition

" To satisfy their needs, Freegans typically scavenge for discarded items, barter or create their own goods. Common activities include dumpster diving for food and goods, hitchhiking for transportation and squatting or camping for housing. Frequently cited motives for adopting a Freegan lifestyle include the opposition of corporate interests, distaste for overconsumption and wastefulness, and a desire for independence from employment. INVESTOPEDIA EXPLAINS 'Freeganism' Freeganism is practiced on a continuum, with a range of participants from the casual to the extreme.

What does a dolphin use to get high? A toxic puffer fish that makes them lapse into a trance-like state. The footage features in TV series Dolphins: Spy in the PodSeries uses several cameras disguised as sea creatures to film dolphinsThe mammals were filmed in a trance-like state after eating puffer fish By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 12:20 GMT, 29 December 2013 | Updated: 02:03 GMT, 30 December 2013.

What does a dolphin use to get high? A toxic puffer fish that makes them lapse into a trance-like state

Toeic listening exercise 1.