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Archive of Our Own » home. Not Just A Game :: A Football Fanfiction Archive. Football Fan Fiction Archive. Monochrome | RPF: Sport - Football. ::fansite:: . o O o . FanFiction Slash . o O o . EFP :: Il tuo sito di fanfiction! Nocturne Alley Fanfic :: Harry Potter Slash. Hitverse ::: Hit I: Turntables and Microphones. Tchokrattle. The hinges on the front door needed to be tightened again. Philipp stretched his mouth as wide as it could go and pushed it back up Timo’s neck, listening to the bed creak as the other man strained at his bonds.

He let his teeth sink in a little bit and Timo let out a groan that vibrated up against Philipp’s chest. The knock came again. “Lahmi! Bastian had not. Timo blinked. “Sorry, I...he...yeah, Bastian...” Then he paused and really looked at how Timo was stretched out, skin gleaming with sweat and muscles shivering, wild look in his eyes.

Before he could totally collapse in shock at what he was doing, Philipp bent over and gave Timo a quick peck over the gag. He padded into the next room and got to the door just as Bastian was starting up again. Tall, dark, and not only ridiculously good-locking, but nervously ducking his head and fidgeting with the strap of his duffel. “Hi, I’m Phil—Philipp Lahm,” Philipp said, sticking out his hand. Strong grip. “Oh, no—no problem. Okay.