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20 More WordPress Code Snippets and Hacks. When coding WordPress themes, especially if you do it regularly, its really useful to have a selection of code snippets in your toolbox to just ‘copy-n-paste’ as and when the functionality needs.

20 More WordPress Code Snippets and Hacks

Not just your most commonly used code, but also some snippets that can, when required, extend WP even further. A few months back we published the post 20 Plugin Replacing Tutorials, Tips, Snippets and Solutions for WordPress, which provided snippets of code for replacing some of the most popularly used plugins. This time around we have code snippets that focus on extending the functionality of WordPress even further. Just like the previous post, there are 20 very useful snippets in total, covering many areas of theme development, including tracking page-views, custom shortcodes and widgets, custom title lengths and excerpts, and much, much more. 20 Snippets and Hacks to Make Wordpress User-Friendly for your Clients. Out-of-the-box, WordPress is a fairly simple CMS for anyone to learn.

20 Snippets and Hacks to Make Wordpress User-Friendly for your Clients

But for your non-tech savvy clients it could be a nightmare and a potential disaster to the site you have just built. By simplifying the system and adding some quick hacks to disable or hide certain areas of the CMS you can not only help clients you will also give yourself piece-of-mind knowing that that the site is safe by removing any potential disaster. WordPress de A à Z — D comme Discussion (les commentaires dans ♥ Basics)