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Librairies Javascript. Node.js. Gridless: HTML5/CSS3 Boilerplate without predefined grids and IE6+ support. | Refulz PHP. Gridless, as the name, is a gridless HTML5 and CSS3 based boilerplate for designing responsive and cross-browser compatible websites with beautiful typography. Those who have tried the CSS frameworks know that most of them are grid based, 12, 16 or 24 or 36 grid based layouts. But, this is a gridless framework/boilerplate.

There is no pre written grid layout and there are no untidy CSS classes. The framework offers a starting point for building the webpages of any web application. Gridless : Features The framework uses CSS normalization rather than the conventional CSS reset. Gridless : Browser Compatibility A big sigh of relief!!! Girdless : Homepage, Demo and Download The official website of the boilerplate is The demo is available at The demo presents almost all the possible html elements. . $ git clone.


The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize. Twitter. Ecole2.0. 100 Incredibly Kick Ass Freelance Designer Portfolios. As freelancers who design, code, write and illustrate, we tend to spend extra time on our portfolios to make sure everything is completely perfect. This makes for an amazing post of 100 kick ass portfolio designs. The extra time spent is well worth it because all of these portfolios are stunning. Of course not all freelance portfolios are this great. Some of us are guilty of spending all our time working on client’s designs and we forget to take care of our own portfolio websites. If this sounds like you, take note of some of these top freelance portfolio websites and give your lackluster site a makeover. You may be surprised how well it pays to keep the public face of your brand up to snuff with the competition. Ready to get inspired? Mathieu Langlois Hugo Rodrigues Scribble and Tweak Colorful Visuals Carsonified Lilac Creative Kyle Bebeau Pixel Criativo Crssrd Mike Precious Nineteen82 Ketch Studio Mike Curry Ashfall Bright Labs Electric Pulp NuvoDev Diseño Gráfico y Diseño Web en Costa Rica l IGD Kaus.


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